Online Dating For Moustaches?

Online Dating for Moustaches

Need a date for May 11th? What??? I don’t know what’s worse: (a) you don’t know the significance of May 11th (Dali’s Birthday), or (b) you can’t get a date! Lend me your ear my moustachioed brothers. What cheese is to a mouse a moustache is to a woman…no not food, let’s try this again. What catnip is to a kitty a cookie duster is to a lady…still nothing? Ok, have no fear there is help for you yet, Stache Passions. Stache Passions is an online dating service for moustached men, and the women who adore them, to get together and share their passion. Today we will be taking to Michael Carter, President of Passions Network about what makes this site so special. So break out the legal pad and start taking notes on how you too, handlebars and all, can woo that special someone. Enter Cupid…


HTGAM: Please tell us a little about “Stache Passions” and how this all began.

Michael: Stache Passions is one site within the Passions Network network of online dating & social networking sites. Passions Network was launched in 2004, initially with 100 niche dating/networking sites. Niche dating was really beginning to take off at the time, with more and more sites splitting off to provide a focused environment for specific groups of people. Instead of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of mega-dating site, there were sites focused on Religion, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, etc. When Passions Network launched, the vast majority of the 100 sites in the network were focused on things like those mentioned above (ie. Christian Passions, Atheist Passions, Native American Passions, Democratic Passions, Republican Passions, etc.) Aside from the more expected themes, we did launch with a couple of somewhat unique (at the time) sites, including Trek Passions, and Redhead Passions. Dating sites focused around bringing together people who like Science Fiction, or around bringing together Redheads and Redhead lovers, was a little unusual 8+ years ago. People on dating sites focus on making the best profile on their dating app. After about 4 years of focusing exclusively on our first 100 sites, we began to add new sites into the network bringing our total up to 240+ sites (currently).
Online Dating For Moustaches?

Online Dating For Moustaches?

Stache Passions was not in our first 100 sites, as we were more focused on larger demographic groups like the ones mentioned. It was only after we began expanding the network that we realized that we could create sites for pretty much any group we wanted. So…we began adding sites that allowed members to express more of their personality and sense of humor. Along with Stache Passions, we launched Pirates Passions, Ninja Passions, Mime Passions, Zombie Passions, Stripper Passions and most recently Blond Passions.


HTGAM: How does it work, and do you find a lot of lonely mustachioed folks seeking out your services?
Michael: Every site in Passions Network is 100% free, and each site can work as a completely functional online dating / social networking site. Keep in mind that (way) back when we launched our network, social networking had not really begun to take of, with MySpace just beginning to make a name for itself. As our network grew, and social networking grew, we realized that Passions Network was/is really both for online dating and social networking, since many of our sites can be great places to just make friends based on something you share in common. In fact, the underlying concept of the network is that ‘It should be easier to break the ice if you share something in common.’ Now, whether that leads to friendship or romance depends on the individuals involved, but our goal is just to make it easier for people to find one another and connect.
While each site can work as a stand-alone site, once a member has joined any site in the network, they can add other sites that match their ‘passions in life’ into their single account…which is what most members end up doing.
As to whether or not we see ‘a lot of lonely mustachioed folks seeking out our service’, the answer is yes…although we wouldn’t say they are lonely. Stache Passions tends to get a laugh when it is first mentioned, but then, if anyone has a mustache, or knows a friend with a mustache, they ‘get it’. Overall, we would describe our Stache Passions members as more light hearted, friendly and funny…rather than lonely. And really, how can a man with a fine ‘Stache really be lonely for long? Aside from his little lip buddy always keeping him company, a good mustache is almost like a magnet, pulling people’s attention (and dare we say it, adoration?)!


HTGAM: I have a hard time wrapping my whiskers around the fact that a dating site for the moustached lad exists. Do not the women naturally come flocking whenever a moustache is in sight?
Michael: This is a great question, as there are as many, if not more, types of reactions to mustaches, as there are mustaches. To your question, some women HATE mustaches, and avoid men who have them. These women are to be pitied of course, as they are missing out on one of life’s great wonders. Putting aside those who do not appreciate a fine ‘Stache (and really, they should be put aside), there are most definitely women who come flocking when a moustache is in sight.  Of course, it depends in part on the man wearing the moustache, and what type of ‘stache he is sporting. If a man just has hair growing above his upper lip and below his nose, then he is but the lowest form of mustache wearer. This man still stands head and shoulders above the bald lipped men that meander about, but it is the man who takes pride in his ‘stache, with attention and grooming…that is the man women flock to.
Online Dating For Moustaches?

Online Dating For Moustaches?

HTGAM: Do you consider yourself Cupid with a moustache? Have you seen a lot of matches come from your site?
Michael: Ah, but Cupid is just one individual with a single little arrow of love. Cupid and his hairless lip cannot appreciate the power and magnetism of ‘The ‘Stache’.  Stache Passions is more like an army of moustachioed Cupid’s, bringing together those with, and those who long, for…The ‘Stache. While we do not have a testimonial section within the site, the most common reason people list when leaving is ‘I met someone’.


HTGAM: Does traffic pick up in Movember?
Michael: Traffic within Stache Passions ebbs and flows, with people joining as they become aware of the site. We do tend to see increases in Movember, mainly because the site tends to be mentioned in social media more often around that time


HTGAM: How long have you had a moustache for?
Michael: Alas, I am currently ‘Stache-less after a grooming mishap that would have left me appearing to be lopsided. This sad situation is being rectified one day at a time with ample care and attention though. I may have to take a break from answering your questions due to the feeling of depression that just hit me at remembering my current stache-less situation. Ok, I’m back now. It is amazing how a beer can help to soften the anguish felt in situations like this. (Do not drink and drive…regardless of how hairless your lip is!)


HTGAM:  Any funny moustache involved blind date stories you would like to share with our readers?
Michael: No…a gentleman does not kiss and tell!


HTGAM: Can you offer any dating tips or advice for those of us who own and operate a cookie duster?
Michael: Grooming is key. No one wants to see an untended jungle of hair that looks like it is an alien attacking your nose from below. Careful daily attention to shaping and hygiene is critical. You should also do some research on the most popular lines to use for dating.
Online Dating For Moustaches?

Online Dating For Moustaches?


HTGAM: Have you found there is a certain kind of lass that is drawn to the whiskers or at least to your site?
 Michael: Yes, we have determined that women of high regard are drawn to our site. These women tend to be more attractive than most, and more intelligent.


HTGAM: Be the owner of a dating site do you ever find yourself cherry picking the selection? ( I have always wanted to know the answer to this…but OK Cupid has never replied to my emails.)
Michael: See answer to question #7


HTGAM: Do you feel you may be exploiting the stache as the perfect ice breaker/ conversation piece? (b) I mean let’s face it, it’s kind of like having a puppy attached to your upper lip when it comes to female intrigue.
Michael: To the contrary, we are elevating the ‘Stache and giving it the attention it so rightly deserves, and so often does not get. Society as a whole is fickle, with fads that come and go, but a fine ‘Stache will stand the test of time. We are proud to help focus attention on this always-in-style fashionable look.
(b) Ah…a man who ‘gets it’. How often does one run into a woman who does not like a puppy?


HTGAM: What is 2013 looking like for Stache Passion?
Michael: 2013 is looking good. More and more men are waking to idea that they can express their individuality and style with a great looking moustache.


HTGAM: Lastly, any special dates (get it?) or events planned for Moustache May?
Michael: No specific dates or events are planned for Moustache May. Stache Passions is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we encourage people to visit and enjoy the site as their schedule permits. Of course, those with moustaches are encouraged to join, as  they will find themselves surrounded by a community of moustache aficionados who want to shower them with love and attention (or at least maybe just say hello).
Check Stache Passions today and find that special someone Here! They can also be found on Facebook Here!

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