
We want our readers to get involved and take part in what goes on around here! 

If you want to aid us in asking the tough questions, please put our Free App on your Smartphone today!  When our app is on your phone and you are subscribed to our Push News, you will periodically get a text from us informing you to who our next feature interview is with…then comes the fun part! We will ask for your question(s) and add them to the interview, giving you full credit! 

This is just one of the many cool features on our app! Find it on Google Play or Amazon for androids and here for IPhones

 Once the app is installed follow the instructions below

app instruction

1) Press Menu Button

2) Choose “Our Petite Blog” from the menu

3) Press “Subscribe To Push News”

4) Add your phone number to top field and press “ok”! We will never share your contact information…no matter how much they offer us!

If you are having any problems installing or following the steps please email us at and we will get right back to you!