6 Skin Care Mistakes Guys Make Everyday

  The most common mistake guys make with their skin is doing nothing. In other words, many just don’t put skin care on the top of their priority list. As a parent of 3 grown men, I feel comfortable saying even though showering and hair product are rarely neglected, skin care is not likely a […]

Do It Yourself Shaving Brush Mount

The shaving brush, a key component in the wet shave but often overlooked by the novice. When one first hops into the world of traditional shaving your eyes and senses are usually taken captive by the abundance razors out there antique and new, second to the razor is probably the soap options, and then your […]

Tricking Out The Shower Shaving Station

(Find Original Article, Part 1 @ The Sharpologist) Some of you out there may already be or at least toying around with the idea of moving your daily shave into the shower. I couldn’t encourage this move enough. A couple of motivating factors for this upheaval include: Speed, not in a bad way, you will […]