What is Movember?

What is Movember?

What is Movember?


November, a time for turkey, pilgrims, maize, football, parades and moustaches. Moustaches? Absolutely, and we are not talking about the stache worn by crazy, manboy uncle Steve at Thanksgiving Dinner. We speak of cultivating your own flavor savor and using it for something good and honorable…like creating awareness around men’s health issues and collecting sponsors who will pledge on your furry friend throughout the month of November. How can the simple act of growing a moustache create awareness and raise funds for such noble causes? First off, a moustache itself worn by a fella who previously did not have one easily attracts attention and conversation is sure to follow. After a dialogue between the newly stached and the enquirer begins, a strong chance at winning them as a sponsor and receiving a pledged on the spot is almost a done deal. ”Where do I sign up” you ask.

Good question. Read on

[PS- Join The HTGAM Movember Team at: http://teamhowtogrowamoustache.rocks]


What is Movember?

Use Your Powers For Good


The event is run by the Movember Foundation out of Melborne , Australia and their motto/call to action is simple and spot on as is the whole concept, “Change the face of men’s health”. Since 2004 the organization has been doing just that one face at a time and has since raised over $299 million dollars! Over the last 9 years the event has grown (pun intended) in size and participation .To register visit them at movember.com – Once registered as a “Mo-Bro” you will receive your very own pledge page where sponsors will go and via paypal place their pledges on your newly born magical cookie duster.

So this Movember join the cause and put your inner moustache where your mouth is!

Movember Rules

  1. Register on Movember’s Website
  2. Set a goal for how much money you want to raise for the cause
  3. Start clean shaven on November 1st and grow, grow, grow!
  4. Movember 30th find a costume that best suits your mustache
  5. Attend a Movember shin-dig to compete for the Man of Movember
  6. December 1st decide to keep or kill your facial hair


Strategy: What I do to make it easier for people to sponsor me is have business cards made from Vista Print. The cost for 250 cards is around five dollars which I consider my own contribution. The card directs people to mine or my teams pledge page. This approach proved to be the most effective method at raising funds as to my previous years of just using social media to gain attention. Below I posted a template for anyone who needs a card design. Simply add your name and website to it and upload it at vistaprint.com or whoever you choose to print your cards with. Good luck and Happy Movember!



Free Movember Pledge Card Template


Left Click on image then Right Click On Larger Image - Save Image File

Click On Image For PDF Template


We recommend you keep your text thematic and use our font Graveur. VistaPrint offers free business cards for just the price of shipping…yay!

Now Grow For It!


The HTGAM Movember Team Needs Your Help! We are looking for team members to join us on this years Movember Moustache Growing Adventure! Movember is a worldwide foundation that uses the power of the Moustache to raise awareness and funding for men’s health issues. If you’re interested in joining our team, please visit http://teamhowtogrowamoustache.rocks
Sign ups are open until November 1st! Sign up now and join the cause!

About Douglas Smythe


  1. What a great idea! just saved the template! thanks HTGAM!

  2. wow, that is a great strategy!!! I have grown a stache every Movember and don ok with raising funds but I know see I could be raising a lot more by thinking differently about it! eye opening as ever! Thanks for the free book and your app rocks!

  3. I have been a “Mo-Bro” for the last 3 years and have raised over 1000 dollars for the cause! Everyone should get involved in one way, shape or form. Thanks for the great article HTGAM!

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