4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches


I’ve been a huge comic book fan since I was a young whippersnapper. When I was 5 I ran around the house proclaiming that I was going to marry Vicki Vale after the first Batman movie came out. I love the fact that comic-book movies are becoming increasingly popular. Recently though something was brought to my attention that troubled me deeply to say the least.


4 greatest superhero moustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches


When you think of the world’s greatest superheroes several may come to mind. The Caped Crusader Batman, The Man of Steel Superman or maybe our friendly neighborhood crime fighter Spider Man; what do all these guys have in common? That’s right, all their faces are as smooth as a baby’s kiester , they have zero super human facial fur! Indeed, not many mainstream comic-book characters sport facial furniture but they should. I would feel like less of a man if I didn’t have a mustache, I couldn’t even fathom the thought of me walking around all smooth faced like Peter Parker or Cyclops.


These next heroes buck that trend and rock some of the most awesomest mustaches in the comic universe. Honorable mention goes to heroes like Thor, Aquaman and others who at times, sport an awesome mustache. [Editor’s Note: I believe this is for Movember]




4 greatest superhero moustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches

Edward Morgan Blake: A.K.A. The Comedian

Type of Mustache: The Major

The late ‘80s comic series the Watchmen is probably the greatest of its kind. The comic focuses on six main characters: Doctor Manhattan, the Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Rorschach, Silk Spectre and of course The Comedian.

The character was created to be “tougher “than what else was out at the time and what better way to reflect his toughness than with a mustache and a cigar.

On a side note, the movie was criminally underrated but it’ll never compare to the comic.




4 greatest superhero moustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Moustaches

Jonah Hex

Type of Mustache: Crustache

Jonah Hex is bounty hunter whose face is horribly scarred on the right side. I felt the need to include Hex on this list just because I feel bad for the guy. Just look at him, his nerve endings probably don’t even allow him to grow a proper mustache.





4 greatest superhero moustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches

Stephen Vincent Strange A.K.A. Dr Strange

Type of Mustache: Circle Beard or Candado

Doctor Strange is a former neurosurgeon in the Marvel Comic Universe. He practices sorcery, and basically protects Earth against all magical and mystical threats. He also has a pretty bad-ass Candado. You can learn more about Doctor Strange at The Direct.





Tony Stark A.K.A. Iron Man

4 greatest superhero moustaches

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches

Type of Mustache: The Anchor

Iron Man is probably the most popular and most recognizable hero on this list, but that’s not saying too much. Go ahead; name an Iron Man villain from the comics? Thanks to Robert Downy Jr’s portrayal, the success of the three Iron Man films and the ridiculous success of the Avengers this hero is more prominent than ever. He’s also rich so he can do whatever he wants; in a recent article of the wealthiest superheroes of all time, guess who topped the list.

 If you were to dress up as Iron Man for Halloween the costume would not be complete without the mustache. That’s a true testament to how important facial hair can be.


So know that just because you have a mustache or facial hair doesn’t mean you can’t save the day. How does Superman even shave his super beard hair anyway? (Editor’s Note: Kryptonite razor.)


4 greatest superhero moustaches


Jesse Gumbarge has had a moustache since he was 13 and will continue to do so until the day he dies. You can read more from Jesse at JarvisCity where he writes about old-school horror, superheroes and other things nerds love.


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