5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of – 2013
Has part of you been yearning to grow a moustache but didn’t want to get caught up in the current hype? Maybe it’s the mental image you have of the classic moustache that’s stopping you; Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, and all the rest from your childhood that may have creeped you out. Maybe it’s your disdain for trendy hipsters that you wish not to be mistook for…whatever the reason I am here today to give you some fuzz for thought. I have prepared a list of some staches that may be new to you and might get you thinking differently about expressing yourself by way of the protein based filaments lying in wait below. At any rate, this article may prove to be conversational fodder at the next shin dig you find yourself at with all the trendy hipsters you disdain. Enjoy!

5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of
1.The English
A neatly trimmed narrow moustache that is parted in the middle smack dab above of the upper lip, with long whiskers pulled to either side of the center like the fuzzy thin wings of the mastodon, that is if the wooly mammoth had fuzzy thin wings . The areas around the corners of the mouth are shaved to give visual “pop”. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Vincent Price And Walt Disney sported fine examples of The English.

5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of
2.The Horseshoe
A thick moustache with South growing extensions beginning under the nose and running past the corners of the lips, dropping down the sides of the mouth and along the jawline, in the shape of a…well, a horseshoe. Often this is mistakenly referred to as the “fu manchu” which I will clarify the difference in #3. Hulk Hogan made this famous or infamous depending on what era of wrestling you grew up on.

5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of
3.The Fu manchu
This mustache begins on the upper lip where the whiskers are grown very long so as to extend down each side of the mouth to the…jaw or feet depending on how eccentric you are allowed to be at your job. The area past the corners of the mouth are shaven, thus differentiating this style from the hulks “horseshoe”. Though none may admit it I can assure you that the ladies love this one.

5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of
4.The Toothbrush
A thick, inch wide mustache centered below the nose. Now i know what you are thinking but it’s been years since…Charlie Chaplin flew this wispy wonder below that schnoz of his and it’s high time for a revival! But seriously now, we need to work our way past the negativity associated with this humble little hair piece and connect it with new memories. I dare you

5 Moustache Styles You May Not Have Heard Of
5.The Anchor
This is kind of a moustache cheat, a good place to start if you are just not ready to take that plunge (pun intended) and let that crumb catcher fly solo. Its a thin moustache running from the center above the upper lip to the edge of both sides of the mouth, unattached but complimented by a chin beard that is grown long into a point similar in width to that “chin strap” that you use to wear in the 90′s. In combination the duo resemble the shape of a ship’s anchor. This is something like what Jack Sparrow was rocking minus the dready braid thing, heck the anchor would have been more fitting…big fail Johnny Depp, please go back to acting school.
Now you are prepared to get out there and let your fuzzy friend free! I would be excited to hear about any experimenting you fine folks choose to do with the menu I have laid before you or stories from those who have had experience in maintaining one of these classic staches! Be well and be whiskered, cheers!
Written by Hodges Apellido owner of Petal Pusher Fancies
Contact: sales@petalpusherfancies.com
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Thinking about starting to grow a “stache”. Thanks for the ideas.
Have always wanted a moustache since I was quite young, have never had the guts to do it-but I might…..
Which one stands out to you? I am going to go with the Hulkster. I have always liked that look. I am not sure if it was because he always had those pythons to back it up or not.
I am sure it takes some daily training of the stache to teach it to work with you.
How about that Jack Sparrow “stache?”
Maybe it’s just because Johnny is sporting it, but that is one to work towards. The second runner up would be Hogan. I am not too thrilled with the other ones, even though they are very interesting. Thanks for posting such an interesting article.
I have always thought #3 looked very interesting. I am not sure it is for everyone though. It appears that only certain men can pull this off.
I am sure I would get some very strange looks if I sported one of these around town. You wouldn’t want to be known as the weird guy with the funny mustache now would you?
I’ve heard of all of these before but it was still an interesting read. I really like the Horseshoe moustache. I don’t think it’s something that I could pull off though. Maybe some day I will try it out.
I agree that the Hulk Hogan moustache is pretty awesome. The Jack Sparrow is also pretty good but still not as manly as the handlebar. I’m more of a beard guy but if I ever did have a moustache it would be one of those two.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone rocking the toothbrush moustache before. You would have to be extremely brave to walk around with that on your face. I agree with everyone else that the hulkster moustache is pretty sweet though.
These moustache styles definitely aren’t very popular. I have actually seen some people with the horseshoe moustache but that’s about it. I’d love to see some of the less popular moustaches make a comeback though.
Who could forget Hulk Hogan's incredible mustache? Both my husband and my dad sport mustaches most of the time. My dad has a simple one and my husband normally has a goat-T (go-T?). My husband shaves his off about every four months and my dad has had his for as long as I can remember. Once when I was little (in the early 90's) I remember my dad having the English mustache. Looking back now, It kind of makes me laugh and I guess Hulk Hogan is waiting for it to come back into style. lol.
I usually just grow a simple mustache but this is because I have trouble growing facial hair. I blame my native american heritage for this. I would love to grow a toothbrush mustache and thing that I would look rather stylish in it. Do you have any tips to help grow facial hair when you never really have been able to?
nice douglas. I'm currently sporting the A La Souvarov.
Hello Jazer, good work with that, it takes a steady hand and a keen eye for symmetry. If you would ever like to contribute a blurb about the daily maintenance involved with the upkeep of your "A La Souvarov" please send it our way. our readers would enjoy it and a picture or two!!! Happy (soon to be) Moustache March!
Please write more of these mustache description articles! I always see pictures but never descriptions or ones that are useful! Gracias!
For the English do you recommend using a wax? Love your blog!