Me, My Moustache, and I

  This article is a light read on my observations from growing a moustache. It’s the second moustache I’ve grown, but my first horsheshoe moustache. My first moustache was unceremoniously shaved off 3 years ago on account of being too itchy after 3 weeks. It seemed like I was spending all my time getting the […]

6 Simple Hobbies to Find Hemingway in Your Life

City and suburban life have taken most men out of their natural habitat and lodged us firmly in a world filled with hustle and bustle, where there is little rest and even less relaxation. In fact, modern men seem to lack all connection to the traditional concepts of masculinity as typified by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway […]

Using my Acquisition Disorder for the Good of Shaving

  I started traditional wet shaving at the end of March 2014 and it transformed a twice weekly tedious chore into a 5 times a week anticipated ritual. My curiosity for wet shaving lead to internet searches that educated me to its benefits and I quickly acted to embark on this exciting journey of learning a new skill. […]

Wet Shaving: Why Now?

Flexing balls, six blades, vibrating motors, aloe lubricating strips, contoured edges — all design choices the mass-market shaving corporations have been making lately. Since the early 1970’s, safety razors have been abandoned by the big companies in favor of multi-blade , “technology infused” disposables. Recently, the major shaving industry has been floundering as margins become […]

How To make A Handyman Of Your Son

Even though women are perfectly capable of completing handy tasks around the home, more often than not, the men wear the coveted tool belt as a badge of honor and pride. The construction industry is one that is dominated by men so it’s no surprise when the little man in your life wants to learn […]

4 Male Traits Women Find Sexy

Being single isn’t always easy. Even those of us who seem at their most comfortable when they’re on a first date, or trying to woo someone in a social setting, would concede – if you pressed them – that knowing what a prospective girlfriend or boyfriend wants in a partner can be difficult to determine. […]

Return Of The Wine Box

I can still remember the good old days when no party worthy of the name would be minus a few of those wine boxes that were such a cost effective way of getting unceremoniously drunk. Classy they were not and they never contained a fine vintage but for cheap plonk they were perfect. Wine could […]

Picking Out The Manliest Of Dad Chairs

Most dads are known for being laconic, slow to anger and serious individuals. This is most probably the reason for why this prominent figure of the family has had the honor of having a chair named after him – the dad’s chair. The dad’s chair has evolved throughout the years and documented through the help […]

Painting The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel is located within the AposolisticPalace in Vatican City and was commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV.   It is famous for many reasons but two of the most well known are that 1) the papal elections are held there when a new pope is to be chosen and 2) the ceiling was painted by […]

5 Best Phone Apps For A Better Night’s Sleep

Gone are the days when you used to keep tossing and turning due to a lack of sleep. With the technology and resources today, good sleep is not hard to come by.  You can also boost you sleep cycle and rest more by using products like this CBDDY: exotic hemp flower. With that said, good […]

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