Taking a Fello For a Test Drive

Ever since I’ve had eye surgery to correct my vision in the late 90s which I took at one of the local hospital beds, I always wear sunglasses as soon as I step into daylight, especially while driving. I didn’t buy sunglasses before my surgery as I couldn’t even keep from losing my regular prescription glasses, […]

This Season: Bringing Back the Crew

Crew neck t-shirts are coming back in a big way, for this new season. Every gent who is looking for something simple to wear whether they are heading out on the town or simply doing errands can count on crew neck tees that come in a variety of colors, multiple styles and many interesting fabrics. […]

Accessorize Right: Ideas for Both Men’s Casual and Formal Looks

Accessories can be fun and add a dash of energy to an outfit that helps to bring out a sense of flair, style, and personality. When we think of accessories we usually think of women’s fashions, from belts and shoes to Elite shungite pendants and other necklaces, but, really, accessories are a great way to […]

Matching Your Facial Fur To Your Look

In conventional social spheres, urbane fashion foments distinguished facial hair presentations. This guide demonstrates four clever ways that clothing can be used to embolden a bushy beard, masterful moustache or glorious goatee.   Add Cranial Accessories   The simplest way to cunningly accent a beard is by bolstering its bravado with an impressive headpiece. Bring […]

First Date: Six Tips on Dressing to Impress

  You’re going on your first date with someone you may have previously hit it off with–or maybe you’re meeting the person for the first time. Whether your date has seen you before or not, you’ll want to dress in a way that impresses your date and makes you especially attractive and confident. It’s true, […]

Men’s Fashion – How To Rock The Casual Look

There’s a big difference between wearing casual clothing and rocking the casual look, though there are a number of ways to make it far easier to achieve. A good place like dapperclan is your one-stop destination for men’s fashion and lifestyle. They provide the best fashion and lifestyle content to men all around the world. […]

Foolproof Outfit for Men: Casual Edition

  Boost Your Confidence by Looking Sharp   In 2006, Samuel L. Jackson appeared in Men’s Health Magazine to share his style secrets. Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you? This talented actor is not known for being stylish, but surprise, surprise, he is the king of cool as the magazine put it. He knows how […]

5 Fashion Tips That Add A Touch Of Class

5 Fashion Tips For Guys To Dress With Class Men looking to dress better have a lot of role models to look at these days. For example, fans of the US television programme “How I Met Your Mother” are surely also big fans of the character Barney Stinson. Barney is a debonair ladies man, who […]

Fashion for Men: How to Determine your Style

Fashion for Men: How to Determine your Style Men have a different relationship with the concept of style than women do, and it’s fairly easy to see why. With women, there are thousands of diverse fashion choices. Dressing a certain way comes naturally; fashion and trends are things that are discussed with friends and family. […]

Guys, Open Your Eyes & Accessorize: Men’s Fall Fashion 2013

Fellas, If you are not already, you should be utilizing accessories. Before you get your moustache in a twist, allow me to explain a little. Accessory doesn’t actually mean what you think it may mean.  Don’t believe me? Here’s the definition:  a thing that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, […]

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