Wet Shaving Starter Kit for Under $12

Curious to find out what all this buzz around traditional wet shaving is, but a little concerned about the initial investment? Well, for the price of two lattes you can finally get your feet, or better yet, your face wet.  We encourage all men and women alike, to give it a go and finally return to the […]

Moustache & Beard Conditioning Manual – Free Ebook

  A handy guide to properly conditioning your beard or moustache. Contains conditioning recipes, herb and supplement lists, tips and tricks. Great Resource! Beard and Moustache Conditioning Manual   Moustache & Beard Conditioning Manual – Free Ebook!      

A la Souvarov Moustache Maintenance

This obscure stache is named after the Russian General Alexander Suvorov. A combination of moustache and sideburns- Side burns grow down a ½ inch below mouth level and then, like an upside down candy cane curve up and connect with the moustache. The moustache is comprised of two splayed wings with a curve into the […]

Benefits of Using the Traditional Shaving Methods

Why choose a wet shave over a dry one? In this modern world, where technology seems to be the only thing keeping the globe spinning, we find ourselves asking, ‘whatever happened to old school methods?’ This is also the case with shaving; for thousands of years man has used a sharp blade trim the facial […]

How to Grow a Successful Mustache & the Importance of Regular Grooming

    Having facial hair is a look that not all men go for, but it’s certainly one that, when fashioned in the right way, can be extremely attractive and help you give off a distinguished air to others. Many do covet a full moustache, but unfortunately not all people can successfully grow one, so […]

Growing a Moustache: Sometimes Easier Said Than Done

   We all know moustaches come in various shapes and sizes and can drastically change your appearance.  Some styles are the envy of everyone around you. However, not all styles are desirable.  For example, the I-can’t-get-my-moustache-to-grow-in-that-one-spot look probably won’t make the top ten most desirable facial hair of all times list. For some people, growing a moustache […]

Coloring Your Beard Or Moustache: Dye Like A Man Part 3

(read part 1 here) (read part 2 here) First off, what the hell was I thinking using chemical dyes anyway? This goes against my entire character/lifestyle. How did this twisted obsession even begin? Why is it God seems to want to do a whirling dervish on two left feet when you just want to Cha Cha? I […]

Coloring Your Beard or Moustache: Ready To Dye Part 2

[check out part one first] Once home I was safe to begin my experiment. I lowered all the shades in the house and read the instructions out loud to myself, or rather skimmed over them, such as one does. A “patch test” was recommended much in the same way as with stain or glue. Never […]

Grooming Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making or A Guy’s Guide To Grooming

Ok, So your stache is waxed and looking ace, or your beard is a perfect point.  You’re looking sharp, but how to maintain such panache day after day?  Trimming is how. Yes, this is an article about the art of facial fur trimming.  A topic often overlooked by the amateur and not spoken of by […]

How And Why I Started Using Mustache Wax : A Confession

    I was never one for styling my mustache, it just wasn’t me…until I began chewing on it!  This article is about how I accidentally became a mustache wax enthusiast.     Day after day I noticed myself chomping on my stache.  I would have to continuously part my mustache while eating.  Snipping was not really an option.  […]

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