Mo Myths & Facts about Growing a Mustache

Forget Christmas; Movember is the mustachioed man’s favorite time of the year and it’s on! Men all over the world, from Hong Kong to the U.S., Australia to Spain, began growing and grooming their best ‘stache for a month in order to raise much-needed money for prostate cancer research. We’re huge fans of mustaches, no matter what […]

How To Wet Shave – A No Frills Video Guide For The Noob

New to wet shaving? Can’t figure out how to load a DE Blade into your razor? Don’t know your YMMV from your SOTD…Doug’s got you covered. In this vid Douglas Smythe lays down the real basics to wet shaving, enough to get you going and getting a damn fine shave! This is not the be […]

11 Most Famous Bank Robberies & The 11 Stupidest Bank Robbers

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has said that most modern day bank robberies are “unsophisticated and unprofessional crimes.” Most of them are committed by repeat offenders who are usually young dumb males. They may be onto something. Here are some of the stupidest bank robbery attempts in recent history. 1. After a bank robber handed […]

Popular T-Shirt Designs From The Past (Infographic)

The classic tee shirt is sure to never go out of style. Let’s face it, their comfortable and a easy way to express yourself. Most companies create shirts as a no brainer form of marketing and often produce unique variations on pop culture references to accomplish these goals. This can be seen in the history […]

How To Maintain Your Cigars

If you are new to the hobby or have counted it among your favorite things to do for years, there is one bane to the cigar smoker’s enjoyment, namely properly maintaining your cigars. Whether you choose to use a cigar humidor or not, there are proper ways to store and care for your stogies that […]

Funny Small Town Names in North America (Infographic)

After college I decided to move to Belchertown Massachusetts, a charming little town. My friends would never let up on it, usually replacing “hi”  with a forced burp when I picked up the phone. Then there was the awkward pauses over the phone when placing an order for anything…ugh. But now scanning this new infographic […]

Opening the Maw of the Mind: Mnemonics, Loci, Memory and Mind Palaces

Sven Magnus Carlsen, Derren Brown and Dominic O’Brien; you’ve heard their names, they’ve blown your mind, but can’t you remember who they are?  What special traits do these three share in common? Well for a start they all have brilliant memories… Derren Brown, Channel 4 celebrity, has made himself a household name by mastering Mnemonic […]

Is Your Beer Really Skunked?

You may have heard someone comment after a quick swig of beer “this is skunked!”, and you may have noticed that such comments are often expressed by someone drinking from a green-bottle of beer. You might also feel that this person knows something about beer. Let it be known that may not always be the […]

Famous Moustaches in Recent Australian History

  For centuries, mustaches have been the symbol of raw manhood universally recognizable across the globe. They were the pride of western culture, admired by everyone else across the meridians not blessed with the gift of strong-willed facial hair. That facial hair on the upper lip was the line, or rather a great number of […]

The Cost of London’s Skyline (Infographic)

London’s skyline is rich in history and culture, and it has been changing and growing at increasing speed for years now. London’s most famous and prominent buildings, both old and new, haven’t come cheap. So, how do the buildings match up with the price – and with each other? It would seem there are no […]

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