What Your Drink Says About You (Infographic)

Believe it or not, what you drink may be saying a lot more about you than “taste great less filling”. It’s true, what you choose to swill down at your local pub is just an extension of what we already know about body language. Though not an exact science yet, we really believe we here […]

FYI, Hand Gestures Are A Cultural Thing

Sometimes a thumbs up does not mean what you think it means, sometimes a peace sign is just not a peace sign…geesh. Culture can be a twisted bitch to navigate through, never think what you know is what you know, and if you do please don’t wink!   Via: Only Infographic Don’t forget to enter […]

Strange & Wondrous Festivals From Around The Planet

There’s nothing like a good festival. A chance to stretch out, set up some lawn chairs and lay-out a blanket, make new friends and party with them like rock stars. However, this can get old real quick. Many of us are just burnt out by “festies”. The crowd got too young, we got older and […]

Travel Hack: Guide to Mailing Your Family (Infographic)

Current prices of plane tickets got you down? Nowadays it seems like airlines are charging for everything…sigh. Not to worry, How to Grow a Moustache has discovered a super travel hack! First you need to find a really big box… Gift Packaging with style – RetailPackaging.Com – Via: Only Infographic   Don’t forget to enter […]

Biology of a Hangover and the Cure

So you spent a few too many hours bellied up to the bar last night downing beer and tequila shots until the wee hours of the morning. And now here you are, your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth and your head pounding out a tune that Metallica would consider heavy metal. Ah, […]

Bizarre Things You Can Rent (Infographic)

Ahh, the wonderful, colorful world of renting. Renting can be life changing. Renting can build character. Renting can be the new way to wade through life in style…for let’s face it, it can be tough to be eccentric on a budget. For these reasons alone we here at How to Grow a Moustache offer you […]

The Gluten-Free Guide To NYC

  If you need to stick to a gluten-free diet, I’m sure you’ll understand by now how difficult it can be to eat out. You are no doubt aware of where you can and can’t eat in your hometown, but when it comes to traveling, things can get tricky. Fortunately New York City caters to […]

24 Funniest Ways To Kick The Bucket (Infographic)

I’ts true, we are all going to die one of these days, but geesh what happened to going out with a bang? Here is a rather colorful list of the most ridiculous ways to exit this mortal coil. I hope we can all glean some wisdom from this. Cheers and be careful! (Rated R) Produced […]

11 Unique Watches From History (Infographic)

There Have been many amazing time pieces through out history, too many to list. We have chosen some highlights from the 20th Century, their uniqueness seems to match their eccentric makers. Sad how none of them seem to feature a moustache…oh well, can’t have it all! Enjoy!   From: Watch Hub

Zombie Attack Hacks – Infographic

When people think about zombie apocalypse preparedness, they usually think of guns, food storage and overnight kits. They don’t often consider the fact that they might not be able to reach those “essentials” in the event of a sudden zombie attack.Living human citizens of the world need to learn how they can utilize the common […]

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