Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

[pullquote]I always buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me. –Warren Buffett[/pullquote]

When you absolutely have to dress to impress, there is no better option than a well-tailored suit. Even the most unkempt and fashionably ignorant man can dramatically increase his appearance simply by slipping one on. Sure you want the right tie, shoes, shirt, and belt to go along with it. But the two or three-piece suit itself will work wonders alone, everything else simply adds to it.

Why you need at least one suit

Beyond looking more respectable and stylish, you will certainly feel more confident, especially when compared to wearing your worn out, tired, and ancient pair of blue jeans which you believe goes perfectly well with your vintage Def Leppard T-shirt. Now, as is for many things, there is a time and place for everything. That includes your jeans and rock memorabilia t-shirts. But sometimes, you need to look better than normal, and there are countless occurrences when this would be the case. What follows here are some of the reasons why every man should own at least one suit.

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

You Simply Want To Feel Like James Bond

Every guy has been there, thinking how great it would be to have the fancy gadgets, drive the fastest cars, escort the sexiest women, and all while wearing the slickest suit, making you look rather dashing doing it. Sometimes, we simply want to be that BAMF without putting in any real work to achieve it. Wearing a suit at least accomplishes a part of that equation. Besides, you can always fake a British accent… unless you’re British, in which case you will have know idea how to fake it. 

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Some Things You Have To Do To Appear GQ

Single men know full well how hard the dating scene can be nowadays. Competition is huge making the stakes higher than ever. Women seem to have it in mind that their perfect guy is just that, perfect, and beyond that, that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Most women seek: wealth, swagger, appearance, charisma, character, charm, understanding, empathy, confidence, concentration, determination, motivation, and the all so vague and arbitrary sense of humor.

Now that list was certainly cut short, but men, we’re in luck! Because wearing a simple suit will accomplish more than most may believe they can. Wealth? Suits look expensive. Swagger? Inherent when wearing designer pakistani suits, you can’t help but exude swagger. Appearance? More than covered. Charisma, Character, and Charm? All is made easier when you’re confident. Sympathy & Empathy? Um… dropping your jacket over a puddle so a lady doesn’t have to step in it should work. Accepting a cold and wet upper torso rather than allowing the ladies feet to become wet is pretty sympathetic. At any rate, you by now get the point. A proper suit is like the Swiss Army Knife of clothing, it’s versatile sans toothpick.

Special Occasions Often Call For It

When it comes to figuring out what to wear for special occasions, most of the time the only thought that should enter you mind is that of wearing a suit. Whether you’re going to a wedding, funeral, anniversary, birthday, or any other special event, you will be sure to let everyone down by showing up under dressed. Which by the way, is often cause for discontent, especially if you are the only one wearing you’re Adidas track suit rather than a real one.

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit


It Wouldn’t Be Business Without Your Business Socks On



When it comes to doing business, nothing speaks better to your professionalism than a suit. In comparison, I can’t fathom any other set of clothing options that would make the same statement. Whether you’re going to an important business meeting, or simply interviewing for jobs, wear a suit. There’s little reason not to and by doing so you are, in part, increasing your chances at success. However if you’re a business owner and looking for custom business uniforms supplier for your employees, then you can check out a site like for help!

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Reasons Why Every Man Should Own At Least One Suit

Sometimes You Receive Better Service When You Appear To Be A Big Shot

Respect is only given when it is deserved… or when it appears to be deserved. If you are shopping for a house, traveling, or any other activity where people are in essence serving you, they will be more likely to provide better service when they respect you. And what deserves more respect than a well-dressed man in a suit? The answer is very little… regrettably. But if you are hoping to be treated like a kingpin, you have to dress the part.


Damien S. Wilhelmi. When not writing about men’s cheap suits worth buying, he is generally trying on a few himself to make sure they are indeed worth it. Follow Damien on Twitter @JakabokBotch. 


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