Everyday Pranks To Play On Your Kids (To Build Character)

practical jokes on kids

A world that tends to take itself far too seriously for its own good all too often forces us to do the same. Humor is a very important tool for blowing off steam, releasing tension, good for the soul and healthy for the body. The sooner you can access your humor nerve, the easier it will be for you and everyone around you to handle serious matters and make the best out of life in every situation.

It is especially important to instill this attitude in your children in order to help them develop the necessary social skills needed for connecting with others in their daily lives with a terrific sense of humor. Pranking is certainly one of the most effective ways to do so. It is also notorious for being borderline addictive as described in posts like http://howtogrowamoustache.com/wp-login.php, for needing no excuses when it takes hold of you and is also known for being one of the most thrilling ways to spice up everyday life. Here are some ideas for pranking your kids tastefully, teaching them the value of good humor, how to laugh at themselves, creativity, strategy, while all the while having a blast along the way.


jokes to play un kidsFreeze It

You can create a simple morning prank by freezing breakfast and then serving it to your unsuspecting tikes. Of course, you need to make sure it looks authentic enough to fool them and frozen rock solid, as the sound of spoon hitting the hard surface is in part what makes it so funny. This particular prank has great replay value and it will be even more funny with each iteration.

The freezer really gives you endless practical joke possibilities, a perfect Nerf weapon to have in any joksters arsenal. You can put just about anything in there and it will freeze rock solid, just be sure to stay within the boundaries of good taste (no pun intended), as beginner pranksters tend to get carried away all too often. To stay on top of your game however, you will need to think outside of the freezer box. Otherwise folks will catch on. [Tip: Some foods come out w/ frost on them, this is a dead giveaway. Give it a couple sprays of room temperature water from a plant mister to bring it back to life.]


toilet plastic wrap joke, best methodWrap It

Plastic wrap is another must in your bag of tricks. Aside from working great at wrapping a sleeping child to a chair or bed, it also has a classic application in the bathroom! The old school scalawags already know the stunt I am referring to…wrapping the toilet seat! Make your move after dark and be sure to put the top down so the unsuspecting sleepy victim won’t discover your devious plot by noticing the distinctive shine of the wrap.



velcro practical jokeVelcro

The most amusing quality of velcro is the sound, it very much sounds like clothing being torn. Be warned – this next one is extremely childish and can lead to the birth of other, even more childish ideas regarding pranking. Place something shiny on the floor while your target is in the other room…they love shiny things. Position yourself accordingly and wait for the proper moment to rip the velcro apart. Try not to reveal yourself right away, as the sight of your child examining his or herself in a panic state is simply priceless, especially if you use this cheap trick when they are in a hurry. 


glueing childrenIt sticks

Yes, we’ve come to probably the most childish, most obvious and least clever of all the prankster’s resources – glue. However, there is good reason for its enduring popularity and staying power (see what I did there) among all practical jokers of the world: it is simple to use, takes almost no time at all to set up and the possibilities are infinite. Gluing someones butt to a chair is always really funny, especially the moment when they realize what happened.

You should remember to exercise extreme caution, especially if you are working with super-glue, which can easily damage just about any surface in your household. Use it only if you don’t care what will happen with the object you used it on, or you can easily mend the damage (for example, don’t super glue a hat to a persons head). [Bonus: To take the laughs outside the house, glue a couple quarters to the sidewalk. Best to do this on a spot that you can easily see from your living room. This gag gives and gives for years to come!]


prank callsPrank Calls

Prank phone calls have been around since the invention of the phone and truly belong in the pranksters hall of fame. Here’s a somewhat elaborate phone prank that will involve a few other “insiders”. Encourage some friends to call one of your kids throughout the day and ask for someone else, lets say “Billy”. Be sure to ask all the callers to be very serious and to leave a message for the fictitious Billy, either with the voice mail or your victim. Later in the day, call your target, introduce yourself as  the infamous  “Billy” and ask if there were any messages left for you. This is an oldie but a goodie.


Computer Pranks

The old air horn under the office chair trick is quickly becoming an instant classic. Rather than explain it to you, somethings are better seen in action than read about:

[vsw id=”JX1VAfz4G_4″ source=”youtube” width=”525″ height=”444″ autoplay=”no”] 

A true practical joke artist will tell you there is nothing quite like a good, elaborate and imaginative prank. The more you do it, the more you will have to do it, your gags will become more complex and their delivery more natural. Might I also add, this is a great way to teach kids about timing and social cues…or maybe I’m just justifying the fact that I just plastic wrapped a potty chair and glued my husband to a swing. Everyday is April Fools!

 If you have any effective practical jokes of your own and would like to share them, please leave them in the comment section below!

Adrenaline Filled Activities That You Can Take Your Lady OnLily King is a mother of two adventurous girls and a wife to a wonderful husband. Lily is also a writer for Cubics Promote in the off chance that more practical jokes can be had!  Find Lily on Google +



practical joke list for office

About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.

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