This is the beginning of a video series that will follow my entry into straight razor shaving! I have been shaving with a safety razor for about 6 months, but I want to take it to the next level with a straight razor. A straight is supposed to give you the closest, most efficient shave possible. The only caveat is that it takes about 100 shaves to be a proficient shaver with one! It is also great that you can have one razor for the rest of your life, which is not only good for your pocketbook, but for the environment.
The straight razor I will be using is a shave ready, restored, vintage razor from Larry at Whipped Dog. I was referred to him by many forums as the best place to get a beginner’s straight razor. He is very passionate about this hobby and has helped me out immensely. The restored razor that I have is from a company that was located in Bridgeport, Connecticut from 1891-1898, making this razor at least 115 years old – pretty amazing!
Check out the video to see how my first shave went with the razor. Not the best shave, but I didn’t cut myself (majorly), which was my overall goal. It is going to take a while to get comfortable with the bare blade on my skin – but I will get there, one shave at a time! Please join me on my journey! [new videos will be added]

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Firstly, oooh look at you, all devastatingly handsome in your awesome t-shirt. Love the idea of sharing this journey with you great video. I wonder if they make "Fisher Price" straight razors?
Videos, infographics, and actual content; I do not think I have seen a more complete blog post in sometime! Good stuff!
Thanks hugs! We work 24/7 to try and give you great content…in every medium! Gents like you keep us going.