For centuries, mustaches have been the symbol of raw manhood universally recognizable across the globe. They were the pride of western culture, admired by everyone else across the meridians not blessed with the gift of strong-willed facial hair.
That facial hair on the upper lip was the line, or rather a great number of densely positioned lines that separated boys from men and the weak from the strong, marking the ones that spearhead the charge of the evolution among the human race.
Ladies’ knees grew weak at the site and touch of Hairy Facial Statements for hundreds of years, and some claim that the same goes today and that blind, overwhelming admiration for mustaches is deeply embedded in the genetic code of human females.
They say that the above mentioned admiration only lays dormant at the moment, temporarily suppressed by the androgynous trends that impose blending of the sexes, which the digital age had brought us. Some will argue that not much has changed, except that today only the worthy proudly wear mustaches as a beacon of true manhood, waiting for the right time to ignite the flame once again.
Whether all this is true or just mustache-crazed ranting, cases of which are thoroughly documented through history and are still kept top secret for obvious reasons, we present you some famous mustaches in no particular order from Oz, the Land of Plenty… Of mustaches.
Although younger generations probably don’t recall the age of glorious, eccentric Cave-staches that took the music world by storm, this iconic Australian facial-hair barer changed many styles during his carrier, some of which made him look… not quite presentable, to say the least. His devotion to mustaches is legendary, honored by the fans through his mustaches Facebook page in the form of a tribute to his mustache-promoting efforts.
Sporting the mean-looking horseshoe mustache is one of the most recognizable features of Mr. Read. However, this once popular style is these days mostly associated with various shady characters, none of which you would like to meet in a dark alley, so it is best to avoid this type of facial hair.
No list of famous Aussie mustaches can be complete without the mention of iconic facial hair display of the cricketer Merv Hughes. His mesmerizing upper-lip crooked bush is a part of Australian cricket tradition as much the man himself, since probably not even he remembers how his upper lip looks like when bare and unprotected. His style is so well known that it has become known simply as “The Merv”, which is a confirmation of his exceptional grooming talents. If there were a mustache hall of fame, The Merv would surely find its place among the facial-hair greats, especially when you know that he had the mustache insured for 200 thousand pounds!
Musician, singer and an occasional TV-host has been a relentless advocate of a lethal stache and goatee combination that only the chosen ones can pull off with dignity and grace. Since the early days of Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Harris has sported a neat, but at the same time lush stache and goatee, with a haircut to match, casually presenting an example of thoroughbred upper-lip facial hair with ease. He still inspires ave among those not blessed with such memorable facial statements.
Movember is a movement that promotes health problems that men have. It is a very interesting movement, as people support it by growing staches to raise awarenes for the cause.
Hell, even some of the airplanes were painted with mustaches. And we have even seen a case in which a pilot of Virgin Airlines called for help on blog to donate to Virgin’s Movember team.
So grow a stache!

Love this! Although I don’t know any of the Aussies mentioned, they certainly have gotten creative with their mo’s
Rebecca, most of them are famous in Australia. Tbh I have no idea if they are known outside our land, but I agree – they are creative. 🙂