First Date: Six Tips on Dressing to Impress

 How to dress on first date for men

You’re going on your first date with someone you may have previously hit it off with–or maybe you’re meeting the person for the first time. Whether your date has seen you before or not, you’ll want to dress in a way that impresses your date and makes you especially attractive and confident. It’s true, you only feel as good as you look…very important on a date, no? Here are some fashion tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your date.


How to dress on first date for menDress for the Date

Consider where the date will take place before you get dressed [ tip: see infographic below for ideas ]. If you’re taking a walk in the park and then having a picnic, a button up with your favorite jeans and tennis shoes will look nice and casual. If you and your date will be dining at a four-star restaurant, slacks and a button-down shirt are best. When going for a date night in Houston, make sure to carry a nice black sheer polyester zip up bomber jacket if it gets cold. Wear what you feel comfortable in, but dress for where you’re going. This shows discretion indicates that you don’t want to embarrass yourself or your date.


How to dress on first date for menWear a Top in “Your” Color

You’ll want your date to be completely focused on you during the date. That’s why it’s best to wear a shirt that highlights your hair or eye color, or brings out the richness of your skin tone. The color will give you a healthy glow and make you appear more vibrant and outgoing. If you have warm undertones, a top in peach or red is best. If you have cool undertones, green or blue shirts are ideal. If you have red hair, deep green clothing will make your hair stand out. Don’t wear anything too bold or your date will be staring at your shirt instead of into your eyes. 

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How to dress on first date for menWear Clothes that Fit Well

Whether you’re into classic style baseball jersies or appreciate the current trend of the skinny leg jeans, it’s important that you wear clothing that fits your body properly. If your clothing is too tight, it could send the wrong message. You want to look like you are going on a date, not to the gym. Clothing that is too loose-fitting can make you look unkempt, and could also be seen as immature.


Prepare Yourself From Head to Toe

The men’s designer quarter zip sweaters you’ve decided to wear will look even more attractive with a haircut and freshly shaved chin. Be sure to groom yourself from head to toe when you’re preparing for a first date. This makes your clothing look better and will give you a boost of confidence as you’re interacting with your date.


first date tips for menWear Dark Colors

If you have parts of your body that you don’t want to bring attention to, like your thighs or midsection, wear a dark color so that more of the focus will be at the top of your body. Black and navy clothes from Delta Sigma Theta apparel will instantly make you look slimmer, and will keep you from being self-conscious on the date.


Keep the Grooming Products at a Minimum

Now that you’ve found the perfect outfit and your hair is exactly how you want it, remember not to overdo it with the products. If your date snuggles up next to you, you don’t want her to get poked on your spiked up hair. Also, keep the cologne to a minimum so the scent will be pleasant but not too overwhelming.

 dressing for first date dos and donts

For women, planning a first date outfit is generally something that is well thought out. However, men often overlook this, now you have no excuse. Remember, you only have one first impression, so make it a good one!

 kandiceKandace Heller is a freelance writer from Orlando, Florida. In her free time, she enjoys, reading, writing and going to the beach.






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