How to Grow a Moustache Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Douglas E. Waiter

New month, new season, new Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club…just seemed right. Founded prior to the World Beard and Moustache Championships in Anchorage, Alaska. The Houston Facial Hair Club is a local chapter of Beard Team USA located in Houston Texas. The group is dedicated to bringing people who love facial hair together, while fighting against facial hair discrimination. We got to rap with club secretary and spokesperson Tiffany Whitman and a few of the guys recently to find out what HFHC is all about.

“Don’t mess with Texas & Keep on Growin’!”

 Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Tiffany Whitman


 HTGAM: How long has the Houston Facial Hair Club been up and running?

Tiffany: The Houston Facial Hair Club was founded in 2008 by Kenten Marin and Jon Sexton and they appointed me as Secretary. I now run the club and am very pleased to work with such a fine bunch of gentlemen.


HTGAM: What is your membership criteria?  

Tiffany: Membership into the club is very easy. The Houston Facial Hair Club is an organization that accepts members age 21 and over. Only those with facial hair; beards, moustaches, chops, goatees, et cetera may become members of the Houston Facial Hair Club. We collect yearly dues of $25 from members to help with costs of the club and events. We currently have a formal member roster with 104 members and fans. We ask all who join to be present at the planning meetings and events. This gives everyone an opportunity to have a voice in the direction of the club and the selection of charities that we work for. As well as being able to enjoy the fun times we have. Understandably, not everyone can make it out to the events. That however, does not exclude you from being a member. Online participation, promoting the club through word of mouth and seeking sponsors from the local community are just a few ways that you can be involved with the club and help us Keep on Growin.’ We love the Houston community and hope to develop a beard and moustache friendly environment for all to enjoy.


 HTGAM: Do you host events and competitions, If so how many a year and for what  causes? How much have you raised?

Tiffany: We have hosted three competitions. Our first competition there were about 20 competitors, our second competition had a small amount of people show up and our third competition in March 2013 was the largest with about 50 competitors and around 120 people in attendance.  We were raising funds for Friends for Life a No Kill Animal Shelter in the Houston Heights. We managed to raise around $500 for the organization. We are currently planning a Movember Party and Beard/Moustache Competition for November 30th, 2013. The event will be to raise vital awareness and funds for men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.



 Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Jon Sexton

HTGAM: Does your group participate in regional, national or international competitions?

Tiffany: A number of our members compete in regional, national and international competitions.  We participate regionally in Texas. There are a few members that compete at out of state competitions and at nationals. We plan on representing big at Nationals in New Orleans. 

HTGAM: Have you had any big wins?

Tiffany: Kenten Marin won 4th place in the World in Alaska 2009 for Imperial Mustache and 2nd in Austin’s Second Come and Shave it Competition. Jon Sexton won 4th at World’s and 2nd in Austin’s Come and Shave It. Jackie Lynn Ellison has won Battle of the Beards, San Antonio, Tx 2012 Best in Show and 1st place Styled Moustache, The National Beard and Moustache competition, Las Vegas, Nv 2012 he placed 3rd place in Imperial Moustache, Beard Royale, San Antonio, Tx 2013 he placed 1st in Styled Moustache, at Beardfest 2, Dallas, Tx he won 1st place in Styled Moustache. Michael Zargarov won 2nd place in Freestyle at the Houston competition in March. Everett Bradshaw won for 1st place Beard at the Evil Mustache Competition.  Douglas E. Waiter won 1st place for his handlebar mustache in Houston’s Newbie category. We also had a few women participate in our March competition and the crowd roared!


 HTGAM: Any advice for other “growers” out there that have not joined or experienced pub club life yet?

Tiffany: Our advice for other “growers” out there is to “Enjoy yourself; you’re already doing everything you need to do. Come one, come all.”


 Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Michael Zargarov


HTGAM: Any tips or pointers for other stache and beard wearing men reading this? 


Jackie Lynn Ellison: Do what you like.


Michael Zargarov: Be patient, good stiff moustache hair takes a long time to grow. Wax it daily, brushing it from septum. 



HTGAM: Does anyone in your group have any humorous facial fur stories to share?

Tiffany: The constant stories we hear among our group are of people asking “Is it real? And “Can I touch it?” So many of our gents get bombarded with people when they go out and sometimes hairs get pulled.


HTGAM: What are some of your group’s favorite grooming products and why?

Homer Carroll: My favorite grooming product is the beard trimmer, because it keeps the itch away and hair out of his mouth.

Skip Purvis: The Brush because it keeps it outta my mouth!!

Alexis Smith: The blow dryer is my favorite for style points.

Tiffany: Several of our members proudly use Firehouse Mustache Wax which is one of our club sponsors.


HTGAM: List 3 misconceptions that are usually attached to people participating in the facial fur community.

Tiffany: First off, many people think that facial hair enthusiasts are rough of personality. Many people also think that a moustache or beard is dirty and this is simply not true. Folks also think that if you have a moustache or beard you are trying to compensate for something.


 Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Jackie Lynn Ellison


HTGAM: What do you look for in a moustache wax?

Jackie Lynn Ellison: A wax that has a dry, natural feel, easy to distribute and, and sets up very strong.

Michael Zargarov: Something that holds but is not rigid. Many of our members prefer natural waxes but there are some that use Got 2 Be Glued or other styling products.


HTGAM: What do you see in the future for your club?

Tiffany: Keep on Growin’ is our motto and that is what we plan to do. We also want to volunteer at Friends for Life Animal Shelter, help with Movember by having a party and competition, and we are also thinking about partaking in the Keep Houston Beautiful Program, where we would adopt a city block so that we can help keep our community clean and Beardiful.


HTGAM: Do you see an increase in the popularity of moustache and beard clubs?

Do we see an increase in the popularity of moustache and beard clubs? Absolutely! It seems like there is a new club created everyday, not just in Texas but around the United States and the Globe. There has also been an increased revival displayed in movies too, a fine example of this is in Oz the Great and Powerful in which the munchkins wore moustaches of plenty. On television there is Duck Dynasty where the men proudly wear their beards. Advertising and the media have also taken an interest in the moustached and bearded community. The Houston Facial Hair Club has been featured on CW39 Newsfix in the Houston Press, and in the Houston Chronicle.


Everett Bradshaw

Everett Bradshaw


HTGAM: What do you get out of being in a club? What’s the pay off, what’s the motivation?

Michael Zargarov: To be able to be in close proximity of facial haired men to be able to admire and appreciate each other’s hirsute –ness.

Jackie Ellison: I am happy in the company of like minded folks. That’s the payoff.


For more information on the Houston Facial Hair Club please visit The Houston Facial Hair Club Official Website also find them on Facebook!


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