How To Maintain Your Cigars

How To Maintain Your Cigars

If you are new to the hobby or have counted it among your favorite things to do for years, there is one bane to the cigar smoker’s enjoyment, namely properly maintaining your cigars. Whether you choose to use a cigar humidor or not, there are proper ways to store and care for your stogies that will ensure your full enjoyment of them.


How To Maintain Your CigarsFreshness
Some smokers attempt to get away without using a humidor for their cigars, and while it can be done, there are certainly some methods out there that will result in nothing but disaster. One of the worst ways to keep cigars fresh is to do absolutely nothing to prep them. Leaving them just out on a counter top or shelf may work if you buy your cigars as you smoke them, but after a couple days, the wrapper of the cigar will become dry and brittle, which leaves the cigar prone to cracking when you do attempt to smoke it.

How To Maintain Your Cigars

Some “cigar aficionados” may tell you to simply store them in the refrigerator, which may seem like a good idea on the surface. After all, that is where everything else is stored that you are trying to keep fresh, right? But think about the atmospheric conditions where fine cigars are born — hot and humid. Your produce drawer is a long way from that. Cold and dry conditions like the refrigerator may be one of the worst places to store those sticks. Do not even get us started on the freezer.

What about Tupperware with a damp paper towel for moisture? Again, not a good idea. While there are those who insist on doing everything DIY, there is just no substitute for the temperature and humidity control of a proper cigar humidor, especially when you can find yourself a nice small humidor for well under $30.How To Maintain Your Cigars

How To Maintain Your CigarsStorage
If you are not going to make the investment, there are ways that you can store your cigars to help keep them as fresh as possible. First, make sure you store them horizontally. While moist air is slow to mix with dry air, it will happen when you are accessing other cigars stored in the same place. This can result in an irregular burning of the cigar.

How To Maintain Your CigarsMake sure wherever you store your cigars stays right around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the proper temperature for storage. Lower Temperatures will not allow the cigar to properly age and achieve that exquisite taste. 


If you are serious about your cigar smoking hobby and want to get the most out of it, the best way to properly maintain your cigars is simply to make the investment in a good cigar humidor. Look for one made of cedar (Spanish cedar preferably), that has no gaps in the construction, and has a lid that shuts tightly. More economical units will have humidity control only. If you wish to really splurge and go all out, look for electric units that come with not only humidity control, but temperature controls as well.

No matter how you choose to store your cigars, make sure you do it to get the maximum satisfaction out of your hobby. Your cigars, and your smoking buddies, will appreciate you for it.


Ashely Marie is a cigar smoker that likes to share tips and ideas. Check her out on Twitter @ashelymarie1985.

How To Maintain Your Cigars

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