How To make A Handyman Of Your Son

teaching kids to be handy

Even though women are perfectly capable of completing handy tasks around the home, more often than not, the men wear the coveted tool belt as a badge of honor and pride. The construction industry is one that is dominated by men so it’s no surprise when the little man in your life wants to learn to be a handyman of sorts. Maybe not a particular handyman yourself, teaching this trade could be difficult…no worries, HTGAM has got you covered. Here are few suggestions on how to make a handyman out of that boy yet! 

teaching your kids about toolsHelp Around The House
All homes experience natural “wear and tear”. Homes always need maintenance and upkeep. Turn handy work into projects that your son can complete and take part in. While you can handle basic maintenance and repair tasks, you should leave more sophisticated issues like replacing the garage door opener to a professional company like When dealing with a brand new project where the level of expertise might be low, don’t hesitate to utilize YouTube for tutorials that the son can watch. When it comes to plumbing emergencies, though, it is best to set aside your tools and call in a professional plumber in Sydney. A professional plumber is trained in safety techniques and is knowledgeable about how to handle potentially dangerous situations. You can click here for more info on this. Watching someone else do a task and break it down into steps can always help make the task seem more manageable. If you want to start saving early for your child with a junior ISA, visit

Volunteer Time
It is very good to teach children, while they are young, that service to their community is important. Helping others should always be a goal for everyone. A great way to help others and build up the tool time experience would be to volunteer with an organization that builds homes or completes repairs for the less fortunate. Most kids need community service hours for school so this is a great way to earn hours and learn how to become a more skilled handyman. Invite your son’s friends to come along and join in so that the work is more fun and rewarding. 

Experience Mentorship
It’s always exciting to learn from experienced mentors. Youtube and internet tutorials are great but seeing professionals work in person can really help your lad pick up on certain elements. It also gives him the opportunity to ask questions and get adequate feedback. For example, when hiring say a roofing company who provides the best roofing repair in Greenville, SC or shingle roof repair service in Kennett Square, PA, like United Roofing, for roofing repairs or residential roof replacement, make sure your boy is home to shadow and take note of what they do. It’s important to give the employees their space to work but watching the pros do their magic can only help reinforce the education he’s getting through you. You should teach your children to actively learn from everyone in their life – especially skilled workmen like the ones from who are working on household projects. 

boy in tool beltGive Incentives
Unless your son has always been passionate about becoming more handy around the house, the process may feel like a chore. Make sure he understands the value of the deal. A great education and acquiring skills that are marketable are some of the most solid catalysts. However, don’t forget to have other incentives such as encouragement, allowance for the tasks completed, dinner and a movie or other rewards your son might enjoy. Everyone needs a little push to keep going! 

These are just a few of the many tips to get started. Transforming your boy into an expert tool-man won’t happen overnight. It will be gradual but with regular practice and determination, this process will prove to be a very fruitful endeavor and hey you just might learn something new yourself!

kandiceKandace Heller is a freelance writer from Orlando, Florida. In her free time, she enjoys, reading, writing and going to the beach.


About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.

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