How to Shave with a Safety Razor

How to Shave with a Safety Razor

This is the first video in my Beginner Series about how to shave with a Safety Razor. Making the switch to a safety razor is a worthy investment that will not only save you lots of money over cartridge razors, but will give you superior shaves! I made the switch about a year ago and couldn’t be happier. I now enjoy shaving and love not having constant razor burn. I wanted to shave my experience to hopefully educate and inspire you to help make the best choice. 

This is the first video in an upcoming series that goes through each step of the process of using a safety razor and a shaving brush! As always, please let me know what tips, comments, and questions that you have!

Video 1

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The second video in my Beginner Series about how to shave with a Safety Razor. Making the switch to a safety razor involves an initial investment in some tools. Here is what I recommend:

Safety Razor – I started with the Merkur 34c, a great choice!
Double Edge Razor Blade Sampler Pack – figure out which is your favorite, I use Feathers, Derbys, and Personnas
Shaving Brush – Omega boar brush is a great choice, low cost and high quality
Shaving Cream/Soap – your choice! My favorites are Synergy, Mike’s Natural, Cella, Petal Pusher Fancies, and Arko
Alum Block – I use the RazoRock alum block – it works great!
Aftershave balm/cream – I use Nivea Sensitive

Video 2

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The third video in my Beginner Series about how to shave with a Safety Razor. If you aren’t already using a shaving brush, you should be! Not only does it provide you with an amazing lather, but it opens the world to an amazing array of premium shaving soaps and creams that allow you to get slick, comfortable shaves at a great cost! This will absolutely save you money in the long run, no matter what you are currently using.

 Video 3

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More Vids To Come!

Stirling Shave Soap Review & Video Lather DemoNick really knows how to do a keen video review; honest & genuine. We are really excited to have him on our team and look forward to his future reviews, as we are sure you do too! Contact Nick via email:

About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.


  1. […] This is the first video in my Beginner Series about how to shave with a Safety Razor. Making the switch to a safety razor is a worthy investment that will not only save you lots of money over cartridge razors, but will give you superior shaves! I made the switch about a year ago and couldn't be happier. I now enjoy shaving and love not having constant razor burn. I wanted to shave my experience to hopefully educate and inspire you to help make the best choice.  […]

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