Matching Your Facial Fur To Your Look

Matching Your Facial Fur To Your Look

In conventional social spheres, urbane fashion foments distinguished facial hair presentations. This guide demonstrates four clever ways that clothing can be used to embolden a bushy beard, masterful moustache or glorious goatee.


Matching Your Facial Fur To Your LookAdd Cranial Accessories


The simplest way to cunningly accent a beard is by bolstering its bravado with an impressive headpiece. Bring social attention closer to the fancy facial hair by donning an eye-catching cap. Suave spectacles can also enforce a beard’s attractiveness quotient. Sun shades slickly conceal the eyes, which means people will have little option left other than to stare at the magnificent beard. Unleash woolly pride with a matching scarf.


Matching Your Facial Fur To Your  LookEmphasize Cultural Significance


The best facial hair stylings succeed when they tie in with personal heritage. For example, Amish men are known for their heartily full chin beards sans moustache, but they have a complete suit combo to match the bold bristles. The horseshoe mustache exudes Zapata connections, so integrate some flair from below the border. Meanwhile, the pizzazz of a windy handlebar mustache can be dramatically amplified by a bow tie to satisfy a curiously longstanding North American tradition. Goatees can serve as a swift induction mechanism into the rugged world of biker culture. Of course, hipsters have free rein to pick and choose from the entire assortment of beard options. No matter what, the masses will be sure to love it!


Matching Your Facial Fur To  Your  Look

Match Effort Levels


Strike a balance between the two facets of fashion by making sure they receive equal preparation times; otherwise, an uneven approach may garner an unflattering juxtaposition. It is wise to synchronize the amount of work that goes into facial hair and clothing selections. If one receives more emphasis than the other, it will create an overpowering effect that is detrimental for conveying any sensibility. Remember, onlookers will behold the perfectly manicured beard only if it is accompanied by equally snazzy attire. Sloppy stubble will derail the potency of a bold suit, and a sumptuously coiffed beard cannot rescue poor clothing choices.

 Matching Your Facial Fur To Your  Look

Wear Opposing Colors


Utilize complementary colors to make facial fur truly “pop”. The mind conveniently assigns a spectrum that precisely encompasses all known hues. Scientifically, this has facilitated a chart that can be used to assign visual opposites. Purple will make yellowish shades of blond much more striking. Similarly, reddish hair will be boosted by green accompaniments, and white is a surefire pick for hair that is dark or black. Once you understand how to make opposites work for you you’ll love it, click here if you want a deeper understanding of correlations between fabrics and facial hair.


The aforementioned combo tactics can emphatically imbue any moustache / beard with serious significance and staying power. Just remember to keep it classy, and the cookie duster will carve a reputation of its own.


how to make care smell better Rianne Hunter is a wife, mother of three, and an independent blogger who writes on a broad range of topics such as family, home improvement, and cars.



About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.


  1. Irene Walker says:

    Interesting article!


  1. […] In conventional social spheres, urbane fashion foments distinguished facial hair presentations. This guide demonstrates four clever ways that clothing can be used to embolden a bushy beard, masterful moustache or glorious goatee.  […]

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