Moustache and Beard Clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Clubs can be fun and a great way to meet like-minded people and now a day there seems to be more and more special interest groups popping up everywhere you look.  Let’s face it, we’re too old for the Boy Scouts (and leading them is hardly an option with cookie dusters such as ours) and way too cool to go to salsa night, so joining a moustache and beard club is only the next logical option.  This being said,  we here at How to grow a Moustache thought it was high time to take a look at all the moustache and beard clubs out there.  It took a while and it is far from finished, in fact this is just the tip of the whiskers…but fear not my hirsute brethren we will be adding to this list as time goes on.  If you are a member of a group I have not listed below or maybe not a member of one but know of a club or organization that I have overlooked, or maybe the dog or cat belonging to a member or someone who knows a member, please contact me and I will gladly add it ASAP.

[pullquote]Now get connected and no longer grow it alone![/pullquote]

Handle Bar Club – Founded 1947

moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

The club was founded in April 1947 in the dressing room of comedian Jimmy Edwards at The Windmill Theatre in London. There were 10 founder members, including Jimmy Edwards, Raymond Glendenning, and Frank Muir. The minutes of that first meeting are in the Club archives and it appears that although there was a goodly number of founder members they were outnumbered by chorus girls!

The object of the Club was, and still is, to bring together moustache wearers (beards being strictly prohibited) socially for sport and general conviviality. The aim of the Club was to assist by all means at its disposal, any worthy charity or cause, particularly those devoted to ex-servicemen. This aim still remains today and we have helped particularly with children’s charities.

The membership peaked at about 200 in the 50’s and 60’s, and the ‘HQ’ for many years was the Pathfinder Club. Informal meetings were held on the first Friday in each month, when members could meet in the bar. This procedure is still followed today, mettings being held at  ‘The Windsor Castle’ in Crawford Place, just off London’s Edgware Road.

Check out our Interview with The Handlebar Club

moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Beard Team Ohio – Founded 2011   

Unifying all bearded and beard loving Ohioans. Their “Mission” proudly stated on the website reads:

To strengthen Ohio through the unification of beard and moustache clubs, and to promote facial hair growth.  We are a regional alliance of all beard teams located in Ohio. We stand to provide support, advertisement, and advice for all Ohio beard and or moustache clubs.



moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

American Mustache Institute – Founded 1965

[Clearly a group I want to sit and get drunk with.]

Protecting the rights of, and fighting discrimination against mustached Americans, by promoting the growth, care, and culture of the mustache.

Founded in 1965 and committed to battling a demonstrated discriminatory culture against people of Mustached American heritage, the American Mustache Institute is the world’s leading facial hair advocacy organization and think tank protecting the rights of, and fighting discrimination against, Mustached Americans by promoting the growth, care, and culture of the lower nose forest.

Broadly considered the bravest organization in the history of mankind behind only the U.S. military and the post-Jim Henson Muppets, the Institute serves as the ACLU of the downtrodden Mustached American people, making its headquarters in the City of St. Louis, as it is home to the world’s largest mustache – the Gateway Arch.

AMI continues to battle negative stereotyping that has accompanied the mustache since those glory years of the 1970s – the peak of mustache acceptance – fighting to create a climate of acceptance, understanding, flavor saving, and upper lip warmth for all mustached Americans alike. Our Latest Interview with the AMI here.


moustache  and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

The Kansas City Beard and Moustache Club – Founded 2011

The Kansas City Beard and Moustache Club was formed in late 2011. The goal of our club is to promote positive facial hair awareness among a mostly beardless society and have a good time in the process. They are accepting of those with all types of facial hair (ie. stubble, moustaches, goatees, muttonchops, small & large beards, etc.) To be perfectly honest, no facial hair is required for membership. All that they ask is that you be a facial hair enthusiast. And they do not nor will they ever plan to take dues to be a member of the KCBMC.


Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month somewhere within the K.C. metro area. Check the News & Events section for the time and location for their next gathering.

Beard and Mustache Society of Fort Wayne – Founded 2012   

moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

A community of men and women who promote and educate the accolades of beards and mustaches while supporting those less fortunate in growth and in luck.

[More to come on this group!]



moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

The Whisker Club – Founded 1998

This club was formed to emulate the beard and moustache clubs seen in Europe.  Organizing competitions and  competing is what they live for. Since 1997 they have been competing home and abroad.  If you would like to be part of one of the first (or even the first!) American Beard and Moustache clubs. You can fill out a printable membership application on their site.



moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

World Beard and Moustache Association (WBMA) – Founded 2004

“United in Friendship and Honour”

The purpose of the World Beard and Moustache Association is to promote the worldwide appreciation of beards and moustaches, and to co-ordinate international events, including competitions, held in such a manner as to encourage friendship among those with beards and moustaches. The association came into existence at a meeting in Höfen/Enz, Germany, on November 27, 2004.


moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

South Central Alaska Beard and Moustache Club – Founded 2003

“To promote friendship and respect as well as support to local charities through the Miner’s and Trappers Ball, where we hold the annual Mr. Fur Face competition. “

The South Central Alaska Beard & Moustache Club on facebook was founded in 2003 in hopes of extending the annual Mr. Fur Face competition at the Miner’s and Trapper’s Ball into a year-round celebration of competition and comradeship.  Members include former Mr. Fur Face title holders , World Champions, and world class competitors.  The Mr. Fur Face beard and moustache competition has been an annual event in Anchorage, Alaska since 1950. Face it, beards and Alaska just go together.





moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Bart-Weltmeisterschaft – Founded 2002

The club was officially founded in Leinfelden. Germany. An it was all a buzz from the get get go.  Only weeks after it’s launch  a television crew had flown from Seoul, Korea to film the happenings at  the newly formed  beard club. The footage was taken during the week of the first Beard and Moustache  World ‘Cup and shown prime time on the major Korean TV channel MBC (Moustache Broad Casting?)  .  In April 2002, the club official became known as Spring Association of German Beard Clubs. This November 2nd they will be hosting the Beard & Moustache World Cup!

[Ok, this entire site is in German, I did my best with google translate.  If you happen to  sprechen ze Deutsche and get a chance to check out this club please let me know if this blurb is way off. Danke.]

Ministry Of Moustaches – Enter The Wild World Of Atters

“A sanctuary for neo-hirsute hedonists, cads & bounders”

moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

This link is not actually to a club or organization but it is fascinating none the less. This is a promo site for a one Michael “Atters“ Attree.   A satirical writer with a retro horror/sci-fi/non-politically correct/ one man show with a supernatural twist.  The shows feature a whole host of nude/semi-clad ladies and diabolical terrors.His show is a couture stage spin off of his former Flux magazine series where he was editor of paranormal investigations.  Does this not sound amazing? Check out our Feature Interview with Michael “Atters” Attree! (it’s epic)






moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs



RVA Beard League – Founded 2011

Richmond, Virginia

[description taken from their site.]

The RVA Beard League promotes the appreciation of facial hair & brings Richmonders (fuzzy or not) together for beers and competitive charity events near & far.

“The RVA Beard League promotes the appreciation of facial hair & brings Richmonders (fuzzy or not) together for beers and competitive charity events near & far. We strive to be good facial hair ambassadors in our own community and represent the best of Richmond in our travels.”

The RVA Beard League is a founding member of the North American Competitive Beard and Moustache Alliance, and is the largest chapter of Beard Team USA in the region. We encourage the tradition of, promote the appreciation of, and work to increase respect for facial hair in all its forms. Don’t get hung-up on our use of the word “beard,” either, it’s just a convenient shorthand for facial hair.

Membership in the RVA Beard League is open to all bipedal mammal who support facial hair. Anyone — whether moustachioed, sideburned, short-bearded, long-bearded, goateed, or (in)voluntarily clean-shaven — is welcome.



Moustache and Beard Clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Boston Beard Bureau – Founded April 2011

Boston’s Local Bearding Team and member of the North America Competitive Beard and Moustache Alliance.
Their Mission:

To promote the growth and appreciation of facial hair in the Greater Boston area. Great group of people having fun and keeping it fur real. Please check out our recent interview with The Boston Beard Bureau Here!

moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs



The British Beard Club is a social meeting group for bearded men, their partners and families of The British Islands.  They discuss, encourage and support the growing, styling and maintenance of a man’s beard, and along the way  make new friends, enjoy good food, real ales and good conversation.

The British Beard Club is a non-political, non-orientated loose association of Beard Aficionados giving mutual support, friendship, and advice to men who have always wanted to grow a beard, who are growing their beards, or who have had a beard for years. Read our latest interview with The British Beard Club Here!





moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Order of the Hirsute – 2009?

This Canadian Club seems to be…well, SATANIC. But it’s cool, everyone knows Satan sports a killer goatee and now I seem to have stumbled upon his own little den of mustachioed demon spawn.

The site is very vague and well…grim in a very good natured way. Turns out it’s not really Satanic at all- sorry to toy with your emotions. Behold their Manifesto:

 In a time of fear and segregation, Order of the Hirsute is proud to encourage and promote unity and goodwill through the groth of facial hair. There was a time when a beard and moustache was a symbol of wisdom and courage. We aim to return people’s views to that which was all but lost. Please join us in the battle.

At this time they may be on a hiatus or on some other mission from their dark master but you can reach them via email at if you are interested in joining their little coven.




moustache and beard clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

The Greater Hartford Beard & Mustache Club – Founded 2011  (loosely)

“Our mission is to grow like our beards: stronger, and bigger every day.”

The Greater Hartford Beard and Mustache Club was founded to promote the growth of facial hair amongst ALL men, near and far. There are no age, time, or even gender requirements to be a member. We understand if you can’t grow amazing facial hair, we only ask that you help to support those who can and do.



Moustache and Beard Clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

B.O.M.B. (Brotherhood Of Mustaches & Beards) – Founded 2011

A social/facial hair club that is active South Florida across 3 counties: Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach. They hold official meetings on the 3rd Thursday of every month, Host a monthly pub night in each of the 3 counties, participate in charitable causes, support the local art and music scene, host beard and mustache competitions as well as travel to other competitions around the country. Feel free to ask questions, get involved, or show up to one of our functions or meetings.  Check out our most recent interview with the Brotherhood of Mustaches & Beards Here!




Moustache and Beard Clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Oklahoma City Beard Club – Founded 2010

The OKC Beard Club is a local chapter of Beard Team USA dedicated to camaraderie, citizenship, and competition. We like beer, laughter, and lighthearted skepticism. Located in yep, Oklahoma City U.S.A.! Check out our most recent interview with the Oklahoma City Beard Club Here!





Moustache and Beard Clubs

Moustache and Beard Clubs

New Jersey Beard & Mustache Club – Founded 2011

This is a social club for beard and mustache lovers in the great state of New Jersey. New Jersey Beard and Mustache Club is a local chapter of the North American Competitive Beard and Mustache Alliance.  Meetings are held each month at local bars and restaurants. Check out our recent feature interview with the New Jersey Beard & Mustache Club Here!





How To Grow A Moustache Feature Interview With The Gem City Gentlemen Of The Bearded Guild

Moustache and Beard Clubs

Gem City Gentlemen Of The Gilded Bearded – Founded 2010

The Gem City Gentlemen of the Gilded Beard are, first and foremost, a group of facial hair enthusiasts who have banded together in the name of fostering good will, community pride, and mainstream acceptance of beards and moustaches as a personal choice that should not be taken lightly or oppressed.Dayton, Ohio’s official chapter of Beard Team USA. Check out our recent Feature Interview with the Gem City Gentlemen Here!




The Houston Facial Hair Club

Feature Interview with The Houston Facial Hair Club

Moustache and Beard Clubs


Founded 2008

 The Houston Facial Hair Club was  Founded prior to the World Beard and Moustache Championships in Anchorage, Alaska. The Houston Facial Hair Club is a local chapter of Beard Team USA located in Houston Texas. The group is dedicated to bringing people who love facial hair together, while fighting against facial hair discrimination. Check out our Feature Interview with the Houston Facial Hair Club here!




Well that about wraps it up for now.  Stay tuned for more additions to this Growing list of Moustache and Beard Clubs. and again hit us up if you know of more moustache and beard clubs or events coming up.  Which brings us to our next request.   We will be soon posting a calendar on our humble little site with dates of upcoming moustache & beard happenings to keep you up to date.  If you would like us to highlight an event let us know in advanced (that’s usually how this kinda thing works, no?)- Enjoy the list and please post comments below!

Douglas Smythe

Want us to add a club?

Contact Douglas at:

About Douglas Smythe


  1. New Article!

  2. You provide a really great resource here! Thank you for this post, I have been looking for a local group around Massachusetts! Keep up the good work!

  3. Good to know someone is working on a list of all the new Moustache and Beard Clubs. I look forward to more updates. I really enjoy your other articles too.
    You have a very refreshing style! Thank You Douglas and Crew!!!

  4. Finally! I am always searching for a serious Moustache blog and now I have found one. Just put your app on my phone so I will be kept up to date on your new articles! It’s great, Love the scrolling moustache types! Thanks HTGAM!

  5. I absolutely Love Atters! This guy Keeps it real! Michael Attree is the last true whisker warrior! Thank you for including him!

  6. ATTERS ATTERS ATTERS! He is the man…that scoundrel!

  7. Please write more about the handle bar club! These guys are the oldest club and don’t get enough press! Thanks for this list.

  8. Really enjoyed!

  9. @Errico Your wish is our command! Next weekend we will be featuring The Handlebar Club!

  10. Any club in Dallas Texas?

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