2015 HTGAM Movember Challenge

HTGAM Movember 2015


This is part of the HTGAM Movember teams’ fundraising campaign where those who accept the challenge can pour a bucket of bloom water on their head and/or lather their entire head, and/or donate $10 to either HTGAM Movember team: MovemberTeamHTGAM.com (US) and HTGAM-Eh-Team.com (Canada).

The kickoff videos from the American and the Canadian HTGAM Movember team captains are listed below the rules. We’ll post all the videos here too.

Here are the rules:

  • Once nominated, you have 3 days to respond/post a YouTube video of your HTGAM Movember Challenge.
  • Create a video to post on YouTube after being challenged or on your own.
  • In the video you declare the following:
    • Your name
    • Who challenged you, if applicable
    • You’re participating in the 2015 HTGAM Movember Challenge to support Movember, a global month-long campaign to raise awareness and funds for:
      • prostate cancer
      • testicular cancer research
      • men’s mental health
      • to encourage physical activity.
    • Which part(s) of the Challenge you’re doing: Bloom Bucket, Head Lather, $10 donation
  • Perform the challenge(s):
    • Bloom Bucket: pour 2 Tbsp of water on puck of soap, wait 10 minutes, pour bloom water in half filled bucket of water, stir vigorously, pour bucket of bloom water onto yourself.
    • Head Lather: lather your face and head with shaving soap. Creating a lather sculpture is optional – à la Alfalfa from the Little Rascals, Ed Grimley from SNL, mohawk, you get the idea! Then rinse it off manually or with Bloom Bucket.
    • $10 Donation: announce that since you have no time, you’ll donate $10 to a HTGAM Movember team
  • Mention that your video will be posted on your shaving social media platforms, and on the site dedicated to the Challenge: HTGAMMovemberChallenge.com.
  • Ask for donations to either MovemberTeamHTGAM.com (US) or HTGAM-Eh-Team.com (Canada)
  • Announce the 3 people you are challenging
  • Tag the nominees in your posts to social media platforms. You can contact them directly to notify them too.
  • Attach these hashtags to your YouTube video:
    • #Movember
    • #HTGAMMovember
    • #HTGAMMovemberChallenge 
  • Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, post it on your shaving social media groups in Facebook and Google+, and email the link to Christian@HowToGrowAMoustache.com. Feel free to share it on your personal social media profiles too (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.).

Challenge Tips:

  • Have fun, and use your imagination to spice up the Challenge video.
  • For your video shoot, make sure the lighting is bright enough and that we can hear you clearly
  • For the Head Lather challenge, make sure your face and hair are wet (remove products from your hair for better lather).
  • For the Bloom Bucket challenge, tilt your head upwards a bit for a more spectacular pour.
  • Check out Christian Lévesque’s and Daniel Desrosiers’ videos for inspiration on your Challenge video. YouTube links are listed below

The 2015 HTGAM Movember Challenge Videos

We’re listing everyone’s Challenge video here. Please notify Christian@HowToGrowAMoustache.com of any  Challenge videos. Thanks.

Daniel Desrosiers, October 30, 2015 

Christian Lévesque, October 30, 2015

Marty Pape, November 1, 2015

Ray Pope, November 1, 2015 – NSFW

Craig Birchall, November 1, 2015

Bob “Gonzo” Randolph, November 2, 2015

Big nose shaver (Nolan Kimber), November 3, 2015 – NSFW

Scott Ostermiller, aka The Clean Shaver, November 8, 2015

David “SoSharpDavid” Gonzalez, November 10, 2015 – NSFW

Oscar Sanchez, November 16, 2015

Taylor Alejandro, November 20, 2015

Amando Cardenas Jr., November 22, 2015, pictures only

Amando Cardenas Jr HTGAM Movember Challenge

Leonard Ybarra, November 22, 2015

David Munoz, November 30, 2015, pictures only

David Munoz 1_Fotor_Collage












  1. Daniel Desrosiers says:

    Rock on wet shavers! You make us proud…

  2. Here’s my response to the HTGAM #Movember challenge. I was tagged by Marty Pape​.

    I tag:
    Steve Hardy​
    Rob Franke​
    Wesley Allen​

    Let’s see it, guys!

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