Notes From The Noob: Ryan Steven Green’s Wet Shaving Journal – Entries 1-3

new to wet shaving


Entry 1

 Notes From The Noob-- Ryan Steven GreensMy very first DE shave was on June 26, 2013. After interviewing me for How to Grow a Moustache regarding my film Between the Upper Lip and Nasal Passageway, and then tag-teaming an interview with F. Stone Roberts (Director of the short documentary Splitting Hairs), Doug sent me a care package with a 1955 Gillette Red Tip, a packet of Shark brand blades, a brush, and a cake of Sandalwood Petal Pushers. That package had not been at my address for more than half an hour before I tore it open and made haste for the washroom. My first time out of the gate was not a glowing success, at least if measured by the amount of stubble still on my face. But it was exhilarating. Indeed, at that time I had not even watched Mantic59’s tutorials on wet shaving. As you can see in one of the attached pictures, I did not even create a lather of the cake! But one thing was for certain after that first shave – there was no going back to cartridges!



Entry 2

Notes From The Noob-- Ryan Steven Greens

 Before getting too deep into my wet shaving journey, it might be of some use to briefly describe my shaving routine up until June 26, 2013. You see, like so many of you, I was a cartridge man my entire life. And, like you, I dreaded shaving. In fact, I’d only do it about once a week! (Luckily, for about the last 7 years, I haven’t had to include my upper lip in the dread routine – it being occupied by my ever-present moustache.) Now, in addition to my Gillette “Fusion ProGlide,” I would use Nivea products, both shave cream and aftershave balm. Eventually I dropped the aftershave balm, preferring instead jojoba oil. At times, I would even shave my face with straight jojoba oil. Sure, I had had straight-razor shaves from time to time (the most memorable of which was in Amalfi, Italy on the day of an annual ancient regatta – you can hear more of this experience on Moustache & Blade – Episode 2: Italian Barber). The closest I had ever gotten to the wet shaving world came in the form of a Rolls Razor I inherited from my great uncle. When I was in high school I would use the Rolls from time to time, and I remember it feeling as if it were scraping my face off ! My mom would be mortified whenever I would use it, convinced I would slit my throat and bleed to death (regarding the Rolls, you can hear more about that on M&B Episode 3: Brad Maggard). I still have the Rolls, but it’s been many years since I have used it. Brad has actually suggested I send it for him to hone, and perhaps then it will provide me with the kind of shave it was meant to. We’ll see…



Entry 3

Notes From The Noob-- Ryan Steven GreensI want to talk a little about Feather blades. Doug tells me they’re his blade of choice. I believe him. Doug is a weird dude (and the pot called the kettle black!). I have now tried with four consecutive Feather blades, and I cannot shave myself without cutting hell out of my face! The first Feather shave I had, I was bleeding so much it looked like I had been sprayed with glass-shard dust. Granted, at this time I only have one other DE blade to compare with, and that’s the Sharks. Shark is just okay. It is a decent shave for me. It feels solid. It actually feels blocky. Even though I have very little other DE blade experience at this point, I have a hunch that Shark is just very “middle-of-the-road.” I honestly thought when I loaded up the Feather, “What’s the difference? This’ll be just like Shark.” I could not have been further from the truth. There’s a BIG difference! Turns out those Samurai really know how to make a blade! (Feather are made in Japan) And the packaging for Feather is exquisite. Every detail is palpably thought-out and beautiful. If only it shaved my face so well.


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 ryan steven green moustache and bladeRyan Steven Green, aka Rynostevie, is a native Los Angeleno and a professional film and commercial director. Along with Douglas Smythe, he co-hosts the popular podcast–Moustache & Blade.  It was Smythe’s discovery of his award-winning short documentary Between the Upper Lip and Nasal Passageway that initiated Ryan’s entree into the wet-shaving world. Contact Ryan:


About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.


  1. […] Notes From The Noob– Ryan Steven GreensMy very first DE shave was on June 26, 2013. After interviewing me for How to Grow a Moustache regarding my film Between the Upper Lip and Nasal Passageway, and then tag-teaming an interview with F.  […]

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