Return Of The Wine Box

wine in box is good

I can still remember the good old days when no party worthy of the name would be minus a few of those wine boxes that were such a cost effective way of getting unceremoniously drunk. Classy they were not and they never contained a fine vintage but for cheap plonk they were perfect. Wine could be kept if you didn’t finish it all at the first attempt (an unlikely problem in my case) and the little tap was a conveniently way to pour the wine especially when you were pissed. It was much easier to hit the glass with at least some of the booze and no inebriate should be left in charge of a glass bottle. Find your liquor of choice at a distillery Calgary or at the nearest liquor shop in your area, but if there isn’t one close by, you can always go online to search for the closest full service liquor retailer.

wine in a box is backGuilty Secret

Those oh so useful wine boxes have gradually disappeared and I had believed them to be extinct but it seems that they may be about to make a triumphal return. The snobs of this world will no doubt be cringing as wine boxes were the alcoholic equivalent of avocado bathroom suites and Artex ceilings. They weren’t something you admitted to if you wanted to retain any level of street cred and their contents were never going to appeal to the wine connoisseurs but most of us used them. They were like a naughty little secret that you shouldn’t confess to but when you did admit to your sins you found that you were far from alone.

Second Time Around

The wine box was an Australian invention which seemed to have taken over the world for a couple of decades. The guilty purchasers would claim that contents were only for cooking but everyone knew that this was a lie! This time around it should be possible to possess one without having to apologise for your crass behaviour because there are compelling reasons to restart the trend.

Ammo-Wine-BoxThe Benefits

As most wine now comes in screw top bottles some of the snobbery about the bottle thing has gone. In addition, environmental concerns are to the fore. Wine boxes take up less space in transit meaning a more favourable impact on the environment and as the wine can be kept for longer once started there is less waste generated and we can all applaud that idea. 

If you like to collect a unique collection of wines, and want to display them then installing wine walls will be the best option. So, What are Wine Walls? Wine walls allow you to store your wine collection in a beautiful display within a complete temperature-controlled environment.

Cheap and Convenient

So the boxes are coming back. That doesn’t mean that the higher quality varieties are going to find themselves boxed any time soon but then most people only consume the plonk at the lower end of the market most of the time. Using wine boxes for every day consumption will only serve to make that really decent bottle that you treat yourself to occasionally seem all the better.

The resurgence will doubtless fail to meet with universal approval. We do live in a very brand and image conscious world where being seen to possess the right things is all important but judging by the popularity of Primark and Aldi there are plenty of souls with the common sense to cast such concerns aside. Wine boxes are cheap, practical and kinder to the planet and that is good enough for me. Or maybe I simply have no taste!


travelling with your dogSally Stacey is a keen writer who likes the occasional tipple and remembers wine boxes well




Wine in a box

About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.

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