For centuries, mustaches have been the symbol of raw manhood universally recognizable across the globe. They were the pride of western culture, admired by everyone else across the meridians not blessed with the gift of strong-willed facial hair. That facial hair on the upper lip was the line, or rather a great number of […]
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Famous Moustaches in Recent Australian History
August 16, 2013 by Douglas Smythe
Filed Under: Articles, Beard & Stache Related, Famous Moustaches in Recent Australian History, Infographics Tagged With: Australian moustaches, celebrity mustaches, chopper reid moustache, douglas smythe, infographic, merv hughes moustache, moustache blog, moustache styles, movember, nick cave moustache, rolf harris moustache
4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches
May 14, 2013 by Douglas Smythe

4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches I’ve been a huge comic book fan since I was a young whippersnapper. When I was 5 I ran around the house proclaiming that I was going to marry Vicki Vale after the first Batman movie came out. I love the fact that comic-book movies are becoming increasingly popular. Recently […]
Filed Under: 4 Greatest Superhero Mustaches, Articles, Top Lists Tagged With: best Superhero Mustaches, celebrity moustaches, celebrity mustaches, facial hair blog, grow a moustache, Hollywood mustache styles, Jesse Gumbarge, Marvel Comics Moustaches, movember inspiration, Movie Mustaches, mustache blog, mustache may, Robert Downey Jr Mustache, super hero moustaches