The Big Shave West 2: Turning Social Media Into Social Reality

We’ve seen many posts, pictures, and videos of the Big Shave West 2 (TBSW2), held at The Old Town Shaving Co. in Pasadena on April 23, 2016 published in social media platforms. They showed hundreds of happy faces, and that it was a bigger event than last year’s inaugural meet-up with more shavers/attendees and artisans/vendors. […]

The Cutting Edge Wet Shaving Podcast: Episode 12 – Shaving Resolutions/Predictions & Then Some

Happy New Years People & it’s Great to Be Back! The boys are back just in time for the New Year! Listen as Con and Doug riff as usual and speculate on the year of wet shaving and what’s in store! The gents also wonder out loud just what will happen between The Dollar Shave […]

Cutting Edge Wet Shaving Podcast – Episode 3: Never Shave In A Cursed Tomb

Welcome to Episode 3 of The Cutting Edge Wet Shaving Podcast! Greetings and welcome back folks! We have yet another epic show for you, we travel to Japan for whiskey, New York for a mixer, peek into King Tut’s Tomb and pack the perfect dop kit for the trip! I did say epic right? We […]

Cutting Edge Wet Shaving Podcast – Episode 1: So It Begins!

  Greetings and welcome folks to the very first episode of Cutting Edge: A Wet Shaving Podcast! Why another podcast? Why not? Actually, there are a number of reasons why. 1) Moustache & Blade is a long show that has set a standard for itself and we didn’t really want to mess with that. Moustache […]

Moustache & Blade : Episode 43 – Feature Interview With Con Kazantzidis

   Welcome to Episode 43 of Moustache & Blade! Damn, what a show do we have for you today…shims, barbers, Vegas…utter debauchery. Join Ryan and Douglas as they catch up after a few weeks off and share exciting news on upcoming wet shaving events (see below)! Also in today’s show, more Quick Wet Shaving Tips, […]

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