Time for Episode 17 of Moustache & Blade people!!! Today’s show is a really fun, endearing and memorable episode when Ryan decides to take his dad, Dr. Glen Lloyd Green to Craig The Barber for his first straight razor shave! Also, The razor Doctor, Matt Pisarcik stops by again to answer a listener’s question, Douglas […]
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Moustache & Blade Podcast – Episode 17: Ryan Takes His Dad To Craig The Barber For A Shave
January 29, 2014 by Douglas Smythe
Filed Under: Moustache & Blade - Ep 17, Podcast, Wet Shaving Podcast Tagged With: blue tip, craig the barber, denim hone, douglas smythe, first straight razor shave, how to make a DE SE Hone, HTGAM, man blog, Matt Pisarcik, razor emporium, Ryan Steven Green, synergy, wet shaving podcast, what is color of gillette red tip, wood hone
Moustache & Blade Podcast Episode 10: Interview with Craig The Barber
December 10, 2013 by Douglas Smythe

Call To Action: Please go to MoustacheandBlade.Com this is a pre-populated Tweet aiding us in spreading the wet shaving word that your listening to us…just click Tweet! [I believe I gave out the wrong address on today’s show…duh.] If you enjoy our show please take a second to review us on Itunes porfavor, ratings keep […]
Filed Under: Moustache & Blade Podcast - Ep 10, Podcast, Wet Shaving Podcast Tagged With: barber shave, barber shop, best safety razor, craig the barber, DE Razor, douglas smythe, how to grow a moustache, how to shave, HTGAM, interview, male grooming, Mantic 59, moustache & blade, moustache blog, podcast, Ryan Steven Green, straight razor, tips and tricks, wet shaving, wet shaving podcast