November, a time for turkey, pilgrims, maize, football, parades and moustaches. Moustaches? Absolutely, and we are not talking about the stache worn by crazy, manboy uncle Steve at Thanksgiving Dinner. We speak of cultivating your own flavor savor and using it for something good and honorable…like creating awareness around men’s health issues and collecting […]
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How to grow a Handlebar Moustache
March 13, 2013 by Douglas Smythe

What you will need: A child’s toothbrush, Fine toothed comb, or a moustache comb (recommended) A tin of great smelling, organic moustache wax (one, stay away from the petrochemical varieties; you will be inhaling this gunk all day. two, it will be absorbed to some degree into your skin) Nothing says “gent” like a […]
Filed Under: How to grow a Handlebar Moustache, Styles Tagged With: grow a moustache, how to grow a handlebar moustache, Moustache March, moustache may, moustache style, movember
How To Grow A Mustache – Tips From A Lady With Mustache Envy
January 16, 2013 by Douglas Smythe

Oh the faces you will grow! A mustache can make a variety of statements from cowboy staches to the “Cheech” fashioned variations from the 70’s. Whether you’re going for an old school gringo mustache, a boxcar, a trucker, a major (yep there are a lot of crazy choices) you’ll have a lot of fun crafting […]
Filed Under: Articles, Grooming, Styles, Tips From A Lady With Mustache Envy Tagged With: grow a moustache, how to grow a handlebar moustache, moustache may, moustache styles, movember, mustache blog, mustache March