November, a time for turkey, pilgrims, maize, football, parades and moustaches. Moustaches? Absolutely, and we are not talking about the stache worn by crazy, manboy uncle Steve at Thanksgiving Dinner. We speak of cultivating your own flavor savor and using it for something good and honorable…like creating awareness around men’s health issues and collecting […]
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How And Why I Started Using Mustache Wax : A Confession
January 16, 2013 by Douglas Smythe

I was never one for styling my mustache, it just wasn’t me…until I began chewing on it! This article is about how I accidentally became a mustache wax enthusiast. Day after day I noticed myself chomping on my stache. I would have to continuously part my mustache while eating. Snipping was not really an option. […]
Filed Under: Articles, Grooming, How And Why I Started Using Mustache Wax : A Confession, Moustache Wax, Styles, Tutorial Tagged With: atters, dandy candy, grow a moustache, how to grow a handlebar, how to grow a mustache, how to use moustache wax, how to use mustache wax, Moustache March, movember, mustache March, mustache wax remover, organic, soy free, vegan, why not to use petro-chemical mustache wax, why to use mustache wax