Wet Shaving: Why Now?

Flexing balls, six blades, vibrating motors, aloe lubricating strips, contoured edges — all design choices the mass-market shaving corporations have been making lately. Since the early 1970’s, safety razors have been abandoned by the big companies in favor of multi-blade , “technology infused” disposables. Recently, the major shaving industry has been floundering as margins become […]

Moustache & Blade – Episode 37: Feature Interview with Geo Fatboy

 A Very Warm Welcome Back To Moustache & Blade – Episode 37! “Wow” is all I can say (inside joke), this interview has been such a long time coming! We have been receiving emails for months from our listeners on Geo, demanding we interview him…yet try as we did, it seemed impossible. It seemed Geo […]

Moustache & Blade – Episode 36: Ryan & Doug “Ain’t No Daisies!”

  Welcome back to The Moustache & Blade Podcast folks, Episode 36! Summer is over and Ryan and Doug are back on the scene! Join the boys as they road trip on down to Tombstone, Arizona and staying at the best Phoenix resorts! The lads speak of all things wet shaving to Spaghetti Westerns!  After […]

Douglas Smythe’s Epic Ice Bucket Challenge!

24 hrs after being challenged by his arch enemy TSE, Christopher David Bailey, Douglas drops everything to take on ALS! Ice, it’s cold and water is like Bruce Lee….can you imagine the two combined?!?!?! Sit back and watch as Doug does battle against all things cold in an effort to end ALS forever! Join him […]

7 Reasons to Visit Cambodia

 Tucked away between Vietnam to the East and Thailand to the west, is Cambodia – aka “the Kingdom of Wonder” – an over-looked destination for those trotting around Southeast Asia. So why should you deviate from the usual trek and visit the Kingdom? After 15 months of living here, the perks are obvious.  1.      Food is cheap. A decent […]

How To make A Handyman Of Your Son

Even though women are perfectly capable of completing handy tasks around the home, more often than not, the men wear the coveted tool belt as a badge of honor and pride. The construction industry is one that is dominated by men so it’s no surprise when the little man in your life wants to learn […]

Why Shaving Made Us Men

What does it mean to be a man? Is it simply our gender that differentiates us from the fairer sex? Often times, when people think of a “man”, they think of a courageous or valiant man in battle, business or family life. In the past, being a man meant you were a hunter, provider, and […]

Lima, Peru after Dark

Tonear, hacer la juerga, parrandear, chupar, chelear, ser jaranista: The list of Peruvian slang for “drink” or “party” is seemingly endless. And with good reason. In Lima, the festivities start on Thursday night, with “after office” (i.e. happy hour) gatherings in bars and restaurants, and continue into the early hours of Sunday morning, when the bedraggled jaraneros stumble home to sleep off the night’s […]

How To Make Different Types Of Sangria Using Seasonal Fruit

“The best wines are the ones we drink with friends” – Bar Saying Sangria is a symbol of Spain, along with their delicious paellas, and it’s also traditionally made with Spanish wine and fresh, colorful fruit. The word sangria comes from the Spanish word sangré, which means “bloodletting” because of the dark red color. However, you can […]

The Haciendas of Chincha, Peru

The transatlantic slave trade in Peru was as cruel as it was anywhere. Pitiless owners, appalling living conditions and malicious torture are all themes concurrent with the disgraceful period of the country’s history. The haciendas of Chincha, on the south coast of Peru, are vestiges of this time and, although today some now function as guesthouses, […]

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