Matching Your Facial Fur To Your Look

In conventional social spheres, urbane fashion foments distinguished facial hair presentations. This guide demonstrates four clever ways that clothing can be used to embolden a bushy beard, masterful moustache or glorious goatee.   Add Cranial Accessories   The simplest way to cunningly accent a beard is by bolstering its bravado with an impressive headpiece. Bring […]

What Did You Say About My Beard?

At 11:23 pm, EST, on October 30, 2013, the Boston Red Sox won Major League Baseball’s World Series. By 11:33 pm, EST, folks were tweeting, posting, and talking about how wonderful it would be for the team to (finally) shave. Here’s what Stephan Hovnanian, himself a Bostonian, told his 26,000+ followers – and the world […]

Five Ways Facial Hair Is Coming Back Into Vogue

  Facial hair is becoming cool and masculine again for men. From moustaches to beards, more men are sporting facial hair as it adds a dignified and hip look to any style. [think sports players to hipsters.]   1. Trimmed Beards   Beards that are neatly trimmed and clean-cut are a sharp and sophisticated look […]

Moustache & Blade Podcast Episode 10: Interview with Craig The Barber

Call To Action:   Please go to MoustacheandBlade.Com this is a pre-populated Tweet aiding us in spreading the wet shaving word that your listening to us…just click Tweet! [I believe I gave out the wrong address on today’s show…duh.] If you enjoy our show please take a second to review us on Itunes porfavor, ratings keep […]

Movember: To Kill The Stache?

As Movember comes to a close, many men are faced with a difficult question: “To shave or not to shave?” That is the question. I know that, personally, growing a moustache throughout the month of November is one of the most enjoyable experiences of my entire year. Being able to walk around an office with facial hair […]

Show Your Mo!

Mustaches Support Men’s Health during Movember Mustaches (Mos) are especially cool in November, re-christened “Movember” by the global non-profit responsible for the month of mustaches. Movember (both the month-long event and its namesake non-profit) began in Australia ten years ago, as a way to promote awareness of men’s health issues, raise funds, and have fun […]

Opening the Maw of the Mind: Mnemonics, Loci, Memory and Mind Palaces

Sven Magnus Carlsen, Derren Brown and Dominic O’Brien; you’ve heard their names, they’ve blown your mind, but can’t you remember who they are?  What special traits do these three share in common? Well for a start they all have brilliant memories… Derren Brown, Channel 4 celebrity, has made himself a household name by mastering Mnemonic […]

Famous Moustaches in Recent Australian History

  For centuries, mustaches have been the symbol of raw manhood universally recognizable across the globe. They were the pride of western culture, admired by everyone else across the meridians not blessed with the gift of strong-willed facial hair. That facial hair on the upper lip was the line, or rather a great number of […]

Natural Blond?

“You don’t see many blondes do you?”  This was how a young chap approached me when at a festival some time ago. For most people this would have been an odd statement, but I knew exactly what he was referring too.  It had nothing to do with the fairer sex, as I live in an […]

Circle The Wagen Movie Review

Circle The Wagen (from the filmmaker who brought us “Between the Upper Lip and Nasal Passageway) ★★★★★ 5 Stars Documentary Film Director: Ryan Steven Green Writers: Charlie Pecoraro Synopsis: CIRCLE THE WAGEN is a feature-length buddy/road-trip/docu-dramedy on the vintage Volkswagen subculture in America––that close-knit community for whom the joy of driving is the joy of […]

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