Greatest Temples in Myanmar, Burma

  Yangon Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, is known both for its colonial-era architecture and its religious sites. Undoubtedly, the two most famous and frequented Buddhist sites are Shewedagon Pagoda and Sule Pagoda. Shwedagon Pagoda: Standing atop Singuttara Hill, Shewedagon is a commanding large shiny golden pagoda. It was built in the 6th century and rebuilt several times […]

Notes From The Noob: Ryan Steven Green’s Wet Shaving Journal – Entries 28-35

Post 28 Out of curiosity – actually it was more like spite – I wandered through the shaving section at Rite Aid while my wife was picking up some Burt’s Bees. While scoffing at the vestiges of my former facial life, my eye was caught by a product entirely new to me. I stooped to […]

Moustache & Blade – Episode 22: Interview with Nick Schraut

 Welcome to Episode 22 of Moustache & Blade! We have a great episode for you today folks, something for everyone! We will be looking at bowl lathering vs face lathering, hearing from the Razor Queen, some more of Shaving Made Easy with Ryan and lastly, an interview with Nick Shaves! To learn More about Nick […]

Moustache & Blade Podcast Episode 20: Shaving Made Easy & Ryan’s Transmission of The Art

Welcome to Episode 20 of Moustache & Blade! [LINKS PROVIDED TO BOTH PDF’s BELOW!] Well we made it to episode 20…woot! Today’s show is going to be a lot of fun and jam packed w/ info! We shall be getting tips and trick from our good buddy and straight razor honemeister, Lynn Abrams on dealing […]

How To Load a Schick Repeater Injector Razor

There is nothing sweeter than scoring a new Schick Repeater on your favorite auction site.  In the history of the razor, I am not sure there is a more precise and substantial piece of gear to be found.  The issue becomes quite clear when you get your first vintage repeater for the first time…um, how the hell does this thing work? […]

Notes From The Noob: Ryan Steven Green’s Wet Shaving Journal – Entries 20-27

Post 20 As co-host of Moustache & Blade, I’ve had to get used to several new things in life. The main one, as you might imagine, is going from being the guy behind the lens, to the “talent.” I keep insisting that I’m not the guy that should be hosting a show; Doug keeps affirming […]

How to Shave with a Safety Razor

This is the first video in my Beginner Series about how to shave with a Safety Razor. Making the switch to a safety razor is a worthy investment that will not only save you lots of money over cartridge razors, but will give you superior shaves! I made the switch about a year ago and […]

Moustache & Blade Podcast – Episode 18: Interview With Old Town Shaving Company

Welcome to Episode 18 of Moustache & Blade! On today’s show we learn how to create our very own Witch Hazel with Douglas and then Ryan pops into Old Town Shaving Company in order to interview owner, Damon Stathatos. Sit back and listen as Ryan makes his way around the shop interviewing noobs and observing Damon […]

Notes From The Noob: Ryan Steven Green’s Wet Shaving Journal – Entries 13-19

Post 13 I’ve reconciled myself to the fact that my shave will never again be as close as that my Mach 5 used to provide. The reason is that the Mach 5, true to the advertisements, actually cuts the hairs below the surface of the skin [Update: Things have changed]. As I’ve come to find […]

Moustache & Blade Podcast – Episode 16: Interview with Charles Roberts

Welcome back to The Moustache & Blade Podcast! In Episode 16 we hear from straight razor master Lynn Abrams, our very own Shave Doctor, Matt Pisarcik and learn how to achieve level 3 from your hot towel with Douglas…then we check in with The Method Shaver himself, Charles Roberts! Charles has been on the wet […]

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