The Big Shave West – Free Wet Shaving Festival: You Are Invited!

Wet shaving festival, convention, the great shave, the big shave west, california,april 25

 This April 25th come join all of us here at HTGAM 11am – 6pm at the first ever Wet Shave Festival, The Big Shave West! Please Spread The Word & Share This Article & Press Release Today! (Bloggers and Wet Tubers, Please Feel Free To Re-post!)

The Big Shave West: A ‘lalapalooza’ (shavapalooza?) of Traditional Wet Shaving !!!
A national gathering of traditional-wet-shaving enthusiasts and the companies that offer the products we love. We welcome one and all to join us on Saturday, April 25th at The Old Town Shaving Coompany located in Stats, Pasadena, Cali for what promises to be the biggest ‘meet-up’ of shaving enthusiasts and the companies who supply us product…to date!!! Free admission for Vendors…Free admission for Attendees…and Door Prizes and Raffles all day long. A 30,000 square foot facility which includes a Micro Beer Fest, Western Style BBQ, and live music… all on the same day !!! Make plans for your visit today…you’ll be glad that you did !!!
Be Part Of The Action! We are encouraging all who attend to take part in documenting the wet shaving throw down of the century!
The Big Shave West Podcast, Interviews,HTGAM,PAA, Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements
What We Need You To Do
First, be sure to take loads of photos and vids! Now for the meat and potatoes, be an on the scene reporter for your favorite wet shaving podcast The Moustache & Blade Show.
How? You are asking yourself, possibly outloud. Simply go to the App store or Droid App Store and get a free voice recording app for your smart phone! Interview vendors, Personalities, The Person Standing Next To You At The Event, Record your own thoughts on the way to the event….we want it all so that we may include it in a future documentary and Moustache & Blade Episodes!  If you have your own mp3 recorder, even better! The M&B Podcast may be hosted by Ryan & Doug but it’s only with aid from the community that it becomes al of ours!
Here Is an Super Easy Voice App In The Itunes Store and Here Is One For A Droid. You need not use these apps and by all means find one that works for you! After the event please send the sound files to: or
DO You TWEET?!?!
The Big Shave West, wet shaving,podcast,Douglas Smythe, PAA, HTGAM, Moustache and Blade

Have A Twitter Account? Click Image and Then Simply Hit Send!

 And now for our press release:


The Old Town Shaving Company at The Shoppes at Stats Hosts THE BIG SHAVE WEST!


The Big Shave West, Old Town Shaving,Douglas Smythe,HTGAM,PAA, Phoenix Artisan AccoutrementsPasadena, California – The Old Town Shaving Company at The Shoppes at Stats will host an International Forum, Fair and Convention for Traditional Wet Shaving Enthusiasts Saturday, April 25, 2015.

 Please join us April 25, 2015 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm as The Shoppes at Stats are transformed into The World’s Largest Wet Shaving Convention!

 The Old Town Shaving Company on the Corner of Raymond Avenue and Green Street in Old Town Pasadena has become a world-class destination for wet shaving education, customer service and procurement of the world’s finest products.  With such a loyal following and strong friendships and ties in the business community, it only makes sense that we share our wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to a new generation of wet shavers.

 Live wet shaving demonstrations, domestic and international brand representatives, seminars and education will be available to the professional as well as the uninitiated.  Come learn about pomades, aftershaves, beard and mustache oils, conditioners and molders, shave soaps, razors, brushes, essences, perfumes, colognes and more.  Call yourself an “environmentalist”? Then learn why you should be wet shaving with us!

 There will be free samples, demonstrations, seminars, a beer garden, BBQ, wine and cheese plates.  Bring the family!  The kids will be fascinated and the ladies will find their legs can’t get much smoother!

Ryan Steven Green & Douglas Smythe, Wet Shaving Podcast, Moustache & BladeSponsors include XPEC from Milan, Antica Barbiera Colla from Milan, D.R. Harris from London, Phoenix Artisan Accouterments, , Perma Brands Corporation, Fine Aftershaves, Captain’s Choice Products, Edwin Jagger (London), Castle Forbes (Scotland), Rockwell Razors (a ‘Kickstart’ razor debuting at the event), Ginger’s Gardens soaps and creams, So Sharp Limited (proper shave attire), Proraso (Italy), and Feather Razors (Japan), Chiseled Face Soaps, The Los Angeles Shaving Soap Company, and Fiine Accoutrements, among others.  A portion of sales will benefit our neighbor, the Pasadena Humane Society’s Snip Clinic.

 is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?  No, it’s the Dawning of The Return to Traditional Wet Shaving.  Figure out why dad and granddad took such pleasure in the mirror each morning!

Stats, a family owned and operated enterprise for over 52 years, continues to be the leader in service and selection of decorative and seasonal merchandise.  The Old Town Shaving Company at The Shoppes at Stats was created with a passion for the pleasures of shaving, to reintroduce the concept of Gentleman Grooming, and to elevate the current retail climate and culture in Pasadena.  The Bea’s Knees at The Shoppes at Stats brings gourmet provisions and a spirit of fun to epicureans near and far.  Sierra Madre Sawing and Milling at The Shoppes at Stats offers truly rare and exotic tropical hardwoods as well as custom furniture and accessories by local artisans.

The Big Shave, Wet shaving Conference,Annual,2015


 The vision for The Old Town Shaving Company, The Bea’s Knees, Sierra Madre Sawing and Milling and The Shoppes at Stats is to bring back the face-to-face gratification of shopping with all 5 senses, by offering unique products that require more than a mouse-click to enjoy. Shopping was once a pastime, an adventure in finding something distinctive.  It continues to be at the corner of Raymond and Green.  The Shoppes at Stats, in an effort to bring a more varied and diverse product and industry mix into our current offerings, is the exception to the chain-store experience and the Internet.  Touching, feeling, smelling, and talking – that touchy feely interaction is what drives people into our store – how else can you know what you want to put on your face!

 The Old Town Shaving Company , has been created with the vision of building the largest and most complete brick-and-mortar shaving store in the country, and perhaps even the world.  It is our intention to be referred to and talked about in the same manner and conversations of Pasteur Pharmacy in New York, Merz Apothecary in Chicago, as well as all of the major houses in London and elsewhere abroad.

The original entrance and mahogany doors to the Green Hotel on the corner of Raymond and Green have lovingly been restored to their original splendor and invite the customer into The Shoppes at Stats via The Old Town Shaving Company.  The alcove dates back to 1890.  Come in and enjoy the experience!

FIND OUT MORE HERE: The Big Shave West and Stay Updated On The Event By Following The Big Shave West Official FaceBook Page! And as always, be good, do good things, Listen to The Moustache & Blade Podcast and Shave On!


About Douglas Smythe

Wet Shaving Software/Hardware Developer. Podcaster, Blogger, Man About Town.

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